Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. №9
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R.G. Khafizov, L.M. Salikhova, A.S. Mertvishchev
Volga State University of Technology
424000, Russia, Yoshkar-Ola, Lenin sq., 3
The paper was received June 5, 2024.
Abstract. In this paper, an approach is proposed to solve the problem of critical components in the signal spectrum while synthesizing an inverse filter using the basis correction method. By using correction, it is possible to avoid the "division by zero" error when processing signals with critical components in their spectrum. It has been shown that the resulting inverse filter has the property of non-stationarity in such cases.
Key words: inverse filtration, signal compression, non-stationary filter, basis correction, uncertainty of the "division by zero" type.
Corresponding author: Mertvishchev Aleksandr Sergeevich,
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For citation:
Khafizov R.G., Salikhova L.M., Mertvishchev A.S. Non-stationary inverse filter // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – №. 9. (In Russian)