Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. №9


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Lobanov V.M.1, Budzinsky Yu.A.2, Sheshin E.P.1,
Zhabin G.A.2, Lobanov S.V.1, Chadaev N.N.1


1Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
(National Research University),
141700, Dolgoprudny, Institutskiy per., 5

2AO NPP Istok nm. A.I. Shokin
141190, Fryazino, st. Vokzalnaya, 2a


The paper was received May 24, 2024


Abstract. The results of a study of the emission characteristics of a molecular-sprayed oxide thermocathode based on triple carbonate of alkaline earth metals with an emission layer thickness of ~1 µm in the operating temperature range of 590-730 °C. are presented. The results are in good agreement with those obtained earlier for a serial oxide thermocathode with an emission layer thickness of ~100 µm applied by pulverization, and correspond to the model of a "spotted cathode" - a superposition of emission spots at different stages of activation. An idea of the activation phenomenon occurring at a given temperature in a certain range of values of the electric field strength on the surface of emission spots is detailed both with an increase and a decrease in the anode voltage. The energy spectra of the emitted electrons of a separate emission spot with a half-height width of ~100 meV have been obtained. The values of the potential change of the emitting surface of the cathode within the probed region of 0.9 V and the potential drop on the emission layer under the probed region of 4.1 V were measured.

Key words: oxide thermocathode, thermal emission, thermal activation, current activation, electron spectroscopy, electronic structure.

Corresponding author: Lobanov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich,


1. Lobanov V.М., Sheshin E.P., Chadaev N.N., Lobanov S.V. Оsobennosti emissii i polevaya elektronnaya spektroskopiya oksidnogo termokatoda. // Zhurnal radioehlektroniki [ehlektronnyj 
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2. Lobanov V.M., Sheshin E.P., Lobanov S.V., Chadaev N.N. Polevaya ehlektronnaya spektroskopiya oksidnogo termokatoda. // Zhurnal radioehlektroniki [ehlektronnyj zhurnal]. 2023. №9. (In Russian)

3. G.A. Zhabin, A.V. Konnov. Vliyaniye sposoba izgotovleniya misheni (BaSrCa)CO3 i rabochego gaza na emissionnyye svoystva molekulyarno-napylennykh mikrokatodov. // Prikladnaya fizika. 2023. № 2. S. 77-83. (In Russian)

4. Zhabin G.A. O tekhnologii izgotovleniya molekulyarno-napylennykh oksidnykh katodov s povyshennoy plotnostyu toka. // Sbornik statey VII Vserossiyskoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii «Elektronika i mikroelektronika SVCh». Sankt-Peterburg. SPbGETU. 2018. S. 182-186. (In Russian)

For citation:

Lobanov V.M., Budzinsky Yu.A., Sheshin E.P., Zhabin G.A., Lobanov S.V., Chadaev N.N. Field electron spectroscopy of a molecular-sprayed oxide thermocathode. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – №. 9. (In Russian)