Use of parallel procedures for acceleration of calculations of an
electromagnetic field of a laser radiation scattered in an integrated-optical
waveguide with three-dimensional heterogeneities
A. A. Egorov1
, A. V. Stavtsev 2
A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
February 22, 2012
Abstract. Paper is
devoted to developing methods and algorithms for high-performance numerical
solution of topical problems of vector waveguide three-dimensional scattering,
requiring large computational resources and more memory. As an example, we
consider the scattering problem of modes of the laser radiation on the
3D-inhomogeneities of the medium of three-layer integrated-optical waveguide.
Previously obtained theoretical solution of the electrodynamic problem in
integral form permits effectively implement the numerical solution of the
problem. To this end, we implemented a parallel realization of the software
module for the calculation of the radiation field outside the waveguide in two
forms. Using the methods of parallel programming has allowed us to
achieve a significant increase in computation speed. The paper presents: the
scheme algorithms in the case of N compute nodes, with one thread on
each node; an organizational chart of calculations in a multithreaded mode on
basis of one computer with the multinuclear processor. To implement the
parallel version of the program algorithm for calculating the amplitude of
electromagnetic field outside the waveguide, we realized the program in C++
using the library for parallel programming MPICH. Using of the methods of parallel
programming has allowed us to achieve a significant increase in the rate of
optical waveguide, guided and radiation modes, dispersion relation,
three-dimensional irregularities, waveguide scattering, numerical simulation, computer
experiment, FDTD-method, parallel programming, cluster, calculations in the
multithreaded mode.