Forecasting of characteristics of small sea targets detecting, taking into account non-Gaussian clutters, with reference to coherent pulse radar
E. A. Milaschenko, V. G. Valeev
Ural Federal University named after the first President
of Russia B.N.Yeltsin
The paper is received on February 17, 2014
Abstract. We research the
characteristics of detecting of
small sea targets with a small radar cross section, located
on the rough sea surface, with respect to the coherent pulse radar with high
resolution. As a result of mathematical modeling based on the technical
parameters of the radar "Fregat- MAE -4K " and conditions close to real
environmental conditions, it was found that the detection performance in
advanced Gaussian noise model based on the Rayleigh distribution of the
envelope of the reflected signal from the rough sea surface is considerably
more optimistic than the detection characteristics for the most appropriate for
high-resolution radar non-Gaussian noise model based on K- distribution
envelope radar reflections.
Keywords: sea clutter, K-distribution, Rayliigh distribution, Gaussian
clutter, non-Gaussian clutter, characteristics of detection, coherent pulse