"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 4, 2018

contents of issue      DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2018.4.3     full text in Russian (pdf)  

Vibrations of magnetization under the shock influence of elastic displacement 

V. S. Vlasov1, P. A. Makarov1, V. G. Shavrov2, V. I. Shcheglov2

1 Syktyvkar State University of Sorokin, Oktyabrskiy prosp. 55, Syktyvkar 167001, Russia

2 Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Mokhovaya 11-7, Moscow 125009, Russia


 The paper is received on March 20, 2018


Abstract.  In the “pump-probe” scheme the task for three-layers structure is investigated. This structure consist of thick substrate (buffer slide) on the two surfaces of which are applied two films, first of which has high thermal expansion coefficient and second has high magnetoelastic properties. The influence of light pulse to the first film in connection with thermal expansion excites in its intensive elastic vibrations. These vibrations after the passing of buffer slide reach the second film and excite in its by means of magnetostriction the intensive magnetic vibrations. It is found the connected nonlinear movement excitations of magnetization and elastic displacement in the case of frequency equality of magnetic and elastic resonances. It is investigated the development in time of elastic and magnetic vibrations in supposition that the most role in magnetic vibrations plays the form of last front of elastic displacement pulse. It is investigated three possible versions of last front of elastic displacement pulse forming: regimes of small, middle and large dissipation. It is shown that in small dissipation regime on the last front of elastic pulse it is excited the intensive elastic vibrations which frequency is equal to resonance and amplitude is in several cases more then amplitude of initial pulse. In this case in the initial moment of elastic pulse there is excited the intensive magnetic vibrations which frequency is determined by summary action of external field and the magnetostriction field. After the end of elastic pulse the magnetic vibration frequency sharp increases and amplitude acquires the nonpermanent character similar to chaotic. After the increasing of free elastic vibrations are finished the magnetic vibrations are regularized and relax with own frequency in correspondence with own relaxation time. In the middle elastic dissipation regime on the last front of elastic displacement pulse it is formed the sharp abatement accompanied by one-two periods of free vibrations after which the elastic vibrations are dissipated. In this case in the first moment of elastic pulse the intensive magnetic vibrations are excited which are the same as in the previous case. After the end of elastic pulse the magnetic vibrations are emancipate from elastic displacement influence and relax on own frequency in correspondence with own relaxation time. In the large elastic dissipation regime on the end front of elastic pulse is formed the smooth decreased elastic displacement having unperiodical character which decreasing time considerably exceeds the time of free vibrations period. In this case in the initial moment of elastic pulse the intensive magnetic vibrations are excited which are the same as in the previous cases. After the end of elastic pulse the magnetic vibrations frequency smooth approaches to zero. It is investigated the influence to magnetic plate by limited series of successive following one after the other elastic pulses having intervals between each other equal to duration of pulses ones. The investigation is made for the same three values of elastic dissipation – small, middle and large ones. It is shown that, in the case of small dissipation, each newly arriving elastic pulse forces its own amplitude to elastic vibrations excited by previous pulse. In this case the magnetic vibrations during all the time of elastic pulses succession have high frequency and its amplitude has the nonpermanent character similar to chaotic. In the case of middle dissipation the following one after the other elastic pulses are independent each from other so the elastic displacement actions are periodically repeated. The magnetic vibrations also repeat its own development periodically in the correspondence to the vibrations excited by solitary pulse. In the case of large dissipation the elastic displacement which is excited by preceding pulse to the moment of following pulse arrival does not found time of relaxation. As a result there take place the smooth accumulation of elastic displacement with corresponding increase of elastic pulses effective amplitude. The most frequency of magnetic vibrations corresponded to beginning of each elastic pulse also smooth increase what is reflected by elastic displacement amplitude growth. It is described some recommendations for practical application of observed phenomenon. As an example of important application it is drew attention to the possibility of creation very high frequency electromagnetic vibrations generator hawing small magnetic system. 

Key words: method “pump-probe”, femtosecond laser, magnetoelastic interaction, elastic relaxation, magnetic relaxation. 


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For citation:
V. S. Vlasov, P. A. Makarov, V. G. Shavrov, V. I. Shcheglov. Vibrations of magnetization under the shock influence of elastic displacement. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2018. No. 4. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/apr18/3/text.pdf

DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2018.4.3