Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2023. ¹12

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I.M. Oroshchuk, A.N. Suchkov, M.M. Kadochnikov


Pacific Higher Naval college named after S.O. Makarov
690062, Vladivostok, Kamskiy pereulok street, 6


The paper was received September 10, 2023.


Abstract. The article presents a statistical model of a digital antenna array with a spatial correlation method of signal processing. The model is obtained on the basis of the Neumann-Pearson criterion for the conditions of a stationary Gaussian distribution of the output process in spatial correlation signal processing. This model makes it possible to numerically evaluate the probabilistic characteristics of radar signal detection for various orders of nonlinear processing under the influence of natural radio interference and can be recommended for the study and optimization of the construction of the antenna array aperture with spatial correlation signal processing, providing a given spatial noise immunity of radio engineering systems.

Key words: digital antenna array, nonlinear signal processing, spatial correlation method of signal processing, spatial selection, noise immunity, statistical model, gaussian distribution, probabilistic characteristics, numerical modeling.

Corresponding author: Suchkov Andrey Nikolaevich,


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For citation:

Oroschuk I.M., Suchkov A.N., Kadochnikov M.M. Statistical model of a highly directional digital antenna array with a spatial correlation method of signal processing. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2023. – ¹. 12. (In Russian)