"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 11, 2016

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Interoperability problem in defence information systems


A. A. Kamenschikov, A. Ya. Oleinikov, I. I. Chusov, T. D. Shirobokova

Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences


The paper is received on October 19, 2016


Abstract. The research of the 'problem of interoperability' in the Armed Forces (AF) in Russia and abroad has been based on the analysis of open sources.

The article consists of three sections, the first one provides a brief description of a common approach developed by the authors to ensure the interoperability of a broad class of information systems. This approach is secured in the National Standard (GÎSÒ R 55062-2012), which has no direct international analogs. It's important that the standard for the first time in the world practice secures a three-level reference model of interoperability.

The second section addresses the problem of interoperability in the Armed Forces. It is noted that although the problem of interaction in the AF is as old as the very notion of the AF, the means of ensuring interaction have been improving continuously. Nowadays the means of information and communication technologies increasingly dominate, this has changed the very concept of warfare, the notion of network-centric warfare (NCW) has appeared. The main provisions of the NCW concept are briefly described. The NCW is based on the interaction of distributed computer networks such as the Internet. It is emphasized that ensuring interoperability is one of the most important conditions for the implementation of the concept of NCW war. It is particularly underlined that in the AF of foreign military powers, primarily the United States and the United Armed Forces of NATO, with the exception of the conceptual documentation, a large number of detailed documents (such as instructions and directives) enabling to ensure interoperability are publicly available. Analysis of available national documents demonstrates that the problems of interoperability through the use of ICT- standards are addressed, but, so to say, only on the declarative level, as detailed documents are absent.

In the third section, the authors make an attempt to apply the unified approach they've developed to solving the problem of interoperability in the Russian AF. The architecture of a unified information space of the Russian AF, problem-oriented interoperability model which is an extension of the standard three-tier model, as well as a minimum profile of interoperability are proposed.

Key words: e-military, interoperability, unified information space, net centric war, framework, architecture, base model, certification, standards, profiles, road map, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).


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