Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. №11
Full text in Russian (pdf)
Yu.M. Veshkurtsev 1, D.A. Titov 2
1Institute of Radioelectronics, service and diagnostics
644077, Russia, Omsk, pr. Mira, 57
2Omsk State Technical University
644050, Russia, Omsk, pr. Mira, 11
The paper was received July 30, 2024.
Abstract. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the phenomenon of stochastic resonance in a digital filter under the conditions of exposure to an additive mixture of a quasi-deterministic signal and a concentrated interference. The phenomenon of stochastic resonance in a digital filter based on the Lyapunov characteristic function is considered. In the process of modelling of the digital filter the effect and indices of stochastic resonance at filtering of additive mixture of quasi-deterministic signal and concentrated noise are established. The spectral characteristics of the output signal of the digital filter under the conditions of stochastic resonance occurrence are investigated. The results of modelling of a digital filter under the influence of an additive mixture of a useful signal and a concentrated noise are given. Modelling of the digital filter is carried out for cases when the frequency of the interference is equal to the frequency of the useful signal, the frequency of the interference is in the frequency band of the useful signal, as well as when the frequency of the interference is outside the frequency band of the useful signal. The presence of the phenomenon of stochastic resonance under the influence of concentrated interference is shown. The positive influence of the concentrated noise on the characteristics of the digital filter is shown. The improvement of signal/noise ratio at the output of the system in more than 180 times in comparison with the signal/noise ratio at its input is obtained. A comparison of the results of the study of the phenomenon of stochastic resonance in the case of the effects of concentrated noise and «white» noise is given.
Key words: stochastic resonance, Lyapunov characteristic function, digital filter, quasi-deterministic signal, digital filter noise immunity.
Corresponding author: Titov Dmitry Anatolievich,
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For citation:
Veshkurtsev Yu.M., Titov D.A. Stochastic resonance in determining the estimation of the Lyapunov characteristic function. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – №. 11. (In Russian)