электронное издание, eISSN 1684-1719

Главный редактор академик РАН Ю.В. ГУЛЯЕВ

Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. ISSN 1689-1719. 2020. No. 4
Full text in Russian (pdf)
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DOI 10.30898/1684-1719.2020.4.9
UDC 621.391.072


Efficiency of the phase algorithm of adaptive filtering for receiving signals with multi-position phase shift keying

G. V. Kulikov, Do Trung Tien
MIREA – Russian Technological University, Vernadsky Av., 78, Moscow 119454, Russia

The paper is received on April 3, 2020

Abstract. Signals with multi-position phase shift keying (M-PSK) are often used to increase the radio channel capacity of modern digital navigation, communications and television systems. The presence of non-fluctuation interference in such radio channels, such as harmonic, retranslated, scanning, and interference with phase shift keying, significantly reduces the noise immunity of receiving discrete information, therefore, the fight against them is an important task for each radio system. A known way to combat non-fluctuation interference is the use of adaptive non-recursive filters with adjustable weight coefficients. In the work, the efficiency of using an adaptive filter using information about the phase structure of the M-PSK signal is studied. Using simulation, the optimal filter parameters were determined: adaptation coefficient, filter length, and the efficiency of using this adaptive filter in a quadrature coherent M-PSK signal receiver was evaluated for different combinations of interference and their intensity. In the simulation, the noise immunity of M-PSK signal reception was evaluated, namely, the dependence of the probability of a bit error on the signal-to-noise ratio. It is shown that the filter allows you to effectively deal with several harmonic interference. As the amount of such interference increases, the filtering efficiency decreases. The use of the adaptive filter under study is an effective way to deal with narrow-band interference with phase shift keying, especially at its high intensity. The adaptive filter under study is ineffective for suppressing retranslated interference. The filtering efficiency of the scanning interference depends on the ratio of the filter adaptation parameters and the scanning speed of the interference.
Key words: multi-position phase shift keying, non-fluctuation interference, adaptive filter, noise immunity, bit error probability.

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For citation:
Kulikov G.V. Do Trung Tien. Efficiency of the phase algorithm of adaptive filtering for receiving signals with multi-position phase shift keying. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2020. No. 4. Available at: http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/apr20/9/text.pdf. DOI: 10.30898/1684-1719.2020.4.9.

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