Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of SciencesJOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS(zhurnal radioelektroniki) online journal, eISSN 1684-1719 Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev |
The Project of Open Systems Center. Yu.V. Gulyaev, E.E. Zhuravlev, A.Ya. Oleinikov, S.A. Sokolov, Yu.L. Izhvanov, V.K. Batovrin, A.B. Petrov, E.D. Teryaev.
Optical Characteristics of Phosphosilicate Fibers. V.A. Aksenov, A.V. Belov, E.M. Dianov, G.A. Ivanov, V.G. Plotnichenko.
Testing of Applied Programs Portability. V.N. Kornienko, A.Ya. Oleinikov, V.N. Cherepenin.
The Presentation of Random Signals with the Membership Spectrum. Yu.N. Klikushin.
The Fractal Scale for Distribution’s Measurements.
Yu.N. Klikushin.
The Fractal Classification Method for Complex Signals.
Yu.N. Klikushin.
Modified CSK-System with Discriminant Signal Processing Procedure.
A. Morozov, O. Butkovsky, M. Kapranov, Yu. Kravtsov.
The Classufucation's Scales for the Probability Distributions.
Y.N. Klikushin
Signal reception effectiveness in the environment of combined interference with the additional processing in median filter.
Yu. S. Radchenko
SVG - New Standard of Web Graphics.
P. N. Mikheev
Simulation analysis of dynamic characteristics of the Gigabit Ethernet switch.
A.V. Makarenko
Influence delay a control signal on optimality of IEEE 802.3X flow control.
A.V. Makarenko
The Design of a Profile of Information, Computation and Telecommunication Resources for Basic Research.
V.K. Batovrin, V.V. Vasyutovich, E.E. Zhuravlev, A.Ya. Oleinikov, A.B. Petrov, S.A. Sokolov, E.D. Teryaev
Synthesis of adaptive system of datagram flow control in gigabit ethernet networks.
A.V. Makarenko
Identification method for control object with the input and output stochastic processes with time variable average value.
S.N. Kuznetsov
Methodology of indistinct identification for identification of electronic traffic control systems.
O. Svegzda, V. Bagdonas, T. Magyla
Noise combating group codes at real number field.
L.F. Borodin.
Open system technology and numerical experiment in radio electronics.
Yu.V. Gulyaev, V.N. Kornienko, A.Ya. Oleinikov, V.A. Cherepenin.
Algorithm of localization of user traffic in cellular moving radio of GSM standard.
A.V. Beresnev
Modern Information Technologies in the New Radar Complex for Natural Resources Study.
Yu.V. Opalenov, A.A. Potapov, S.A. Sokolov.
Methods of Active Network Exploration.
A.V. Basistov, A.N. Sandalov, N.A. Sukhareva.
Software System for Many-dimensional Data Processing by the Metod of Main Components and Geoinformation Technologies.
T.O. Peremitina.
On the One Approach to Logical Programming of Intellectual Agents for Search and Recognition of the Information in Internet.
A.A. Morozov.
Information Protection Problems in Open Systems.
M.O. Gusev.
GRID Services as Standardization Objects.
M.A. Kamenschikov.
Zones of Jam-resistant Signal Receiving at Selective Excitation of Electromagnetic Waves in Ionosphere.
Yu.V. Berezin, I.S. Vylegzhanin.
Decimetric Ionospheric Lines of Radio Connection with High Carrying Capacity.
Yu.V. Berezin, I.S. Vylegzhanin.
The Quantitative Assessment of the Properties "Regularity - Chaotic" State of the Signals
Bases of Identification Measurements.
Yu. N. Klikushin, V. Yu. Kobenko.
Threshold information’s restrictions, brought by the receiver in a path of signaling.
S.G. Basiladze
Analysis of encryption protocols.
V. N. Nikitin, D. V. Yurkin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (236 kB)
System simulation WiMAX OFDM transmitter for MIMO channel.
K. Meena alias Jeyanthi, Dr. A. P. Kabilan
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (113 kB)
Acoustic location of sea deposits by coherent chirp signals.
V. I. Kaevitser, V. M. Razmanov, S. A. Dolotov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (2 774 kB)
Optimization of signal-code constructions for coherent radio channels with deep Rayleigh fadings.
M. F. Shebakpolsky, A. B. Tsarev, M. M. Krahmaleva, Ye. V. Volkova, A. J. Rodionov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (645 kB)118 kB)
Smart Antenna Efficiency in Transmitted Mode.
G. Serebryakov
The Identification Method of the Digital Signals Transforming.
Y.N. Klikushin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (471 kB)
of signal decimation.
The identification algotithm
Y.N. Klikushin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (432 kB)
Realization of artificial neural networks on the multinuclear processor SEAforth.
A. S. Anisimov, A.V. Kalachev
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (372 kB)
Presentation of the models of signals in the system identifiers.
A. A. Gorshenkov, Y. N. Klikushin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (526 kB)
Influence of noise immunity of broadband wireless access systems on the quality indices of streaming video.
O. I. Sheluhin, U. A. Ivanov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 392 kB)
Using of context vectors in text classification.
A. S. Eprev
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (116 kB)
Kohonen maps as multimedia data reconstruction method.
I. B. Larionov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 043 kB)
Influence of power amplifier nonlinearities on OFDM signals.
L. E. Nazarov, F. S. Zudilin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (226 kB)