Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences


(zhurnal radioelektroniki)

online journal, eISSN 1684-1719

Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev


(Russian page)







  Evaluation of the influence of parameters of ultra-wideband radio signals on the characteristics of their reception and transmission
Korchagin Yu.E., Titov K.D., Golovatskaya E.E.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Features of emission and field electron spectroscopy of oxide thermocathode
Lobanov V.M., Sheshin E.P., Chadaev N.N., Lobanov S.V.

Abstract   Text: pdf


 Nontrivial dynamics of spins under the action of mutually perpendicular constant and variable magnetic fields
Zhumaev M.R., Sharipov M.Z., Shavrov V.G., Koledov V.V., Scheglov V.I., Rizokulov M.N.

Abstract   Text: pdf


 Study of the relationship between thermal and energy characteristics of monocrystalline solar cells
Gavrikov A.A., Sergeev V.A., Smirnov V.I.

Abstract   Text: pdf


 Measurement of Phase and Amplitude Noise of Semiconductor Lasers. Measurement technique. Calibration. Results
Luchinin A.S., Malygin I.V.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Field electron spectroscopy of oxide thermocathode
Lobanov V.M., Sheshin E.P., Lobanov S.V, Chadaev N.N.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Thermoelectric processes in multi-die systems
Smirnov V.I., Khodakov A.M., Gavrikov A.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Electrical resistivity and optical conductivity of the antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 single crystal
Fominykh B.M., Perevalova A.N., Marchenkova E.B., Schreder E.I., Naumov S.V., Marchenkov V.V.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Numerical simulation of operation of two gyrotrons with a common resonant reflector
Novozhilova Yu.V., Bogdashov A.A., Nazarovsky A.V., Fokin A.P., Glyavin M.Yu., Denisov G.G.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Studying the possibility of frequency stabilization of two gyrotrons under the influence of reflection from an external high-Q resonator
Novozhilova Yu.V., Bogdashov A.A., Glyavin M.Yu., Denisov G.G., Fokin A.P., Nazarovsky A.V., Rozental R.M.

Abstract   Full text: pdf




 Selecting the time dependence of the accelerating voltage fluctuations for modeling of the spectral characteristics of a megawatt-level gyrotron
Rozental R.M, Fokin A.P.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Nonadiabatic effects in the electron-optical system of a relativistic millimeter-wave gyrotron
Leontyev A.N., Nechaev V.E., Semenov E.S., Plankin O.P., Rozental R.M.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Mechanical heat switch for cryogenic magnetic refrigerator
Mashirov A.V., Kolesov K.A., Musabirov I.I., Kuznetsov D.D., Koledov V.V., Shavrov V.G.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Particle-in-cells simulation of the dynamics of coupled gyrotrons
Ginzburg N.S., Zotova I.V., Rozental R.M., Sergeev A.S.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Mode locking regimes in a traveling wave tube with a feedback circuit
Vilkov M.N., Ivanov A.A., Rozental R.M.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Investigation of field emission current fluctuations of cathodes made of PAN carbon fibers
Bazanov I.E., Kudriashov A.V., Mayorova L.S., Fung Dic Man, Sheshin E.P.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Field electron spectroscopy of a molecular-sprayed oxide thermocathode
Lobanov V.M., Budzinsky Yu.A., Sheshin E.P., Zhabin G.A., Lobanov S.V., Chadaev N.N.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Study of piezoelectric properties of aluminum nitride films formed on aluminum and molybdenum layers for creation of microelectronic FBAR
Kuklev À.Yu., Strunin V.I., Baranova L.V., Davletkildeev N.A., Chirikov N.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Thermodynamic model for describing the features of the phase diagram of transformations in ferrite garnets (BiYLu)3(FeGa)5O12 and (BiGd)3(FeGa)5O12 in an external magnetic field
Suslov D.A., Shavrov V.G., Vetoshko P.M., Shcheglov V.I., Poimanov V.D., Morozov E.V., Kuznetsov D.D., Koledov V.V.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


On the overcoming of the depairing current density in the hot spot of superconducting single-photon detector
Korotkov D.Yu., Sememov A.V.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Approach to measuring a subnanoampere field-emission current
Zemskov Yu.A., Mamontov Yu.I., Mikhailov P.S., Muzyukin I.L., Uimanov I.V.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Development of a W-band crossed-field amplifier
Sidorov D.A., Sukhoverkhii A.V., Rozental R.M.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Evaluation of charge mobility in the hosts of emitting layers of anthracene-based organic light-emitting diodes using multiscale modeling
Sosorev A.Yu., Dubinets N.O., Stakharny S.A., Nuriev A.V., Morozov A.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


  Linear dispersion of dirac fermions in a single crystal of a solid solution (Cd1-x-yZnxMny)3As2 composition x = 0.29, y = 0.01
Zakhvalinskii V.S., Borisenko A.V., Mashirov A.V., Kochura A.V., Yapryntsev M.N.

Abstract   Full text: pdf



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