Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of SciencesJOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS(zhurnal radioelektroniki) online journal, eISSN 1684-1719 Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev |
(Russian page)
Dielectric properties of TlGa1–xFexSe2 single crystals in the alternate electric fields.
S.N. Mustafaeva
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (159 kB)
High-frequency dielectric measurements on doped TlGaS2<Cr> single crystal.
S. N. Mustafaeva
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (155 kB)
(C-V) and Y-Parameters Determination of JFETs under Different Environmental Conditions.
S. M. El-Ghanam
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (144 kB)
Analysis of field emission from NCG cathodes in high frequency of Ku band.
I.A. Guzilov, A.V. Kostin, O.Yu. Maslennikov, V.O. Nichiporenko, M.V. Kalinin, B.C. Nazarov, V.V. Borisov, P.V. Minakov, A.Yu. Poroykov, A.T. Rakhimov, B.V. Seleznev
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (408 kB)
A new class of powerful low-voltage multibeam BWO's made of a chain of coupled multi-gap resonators with transverse-expanded interaction type for onboard radar-tracking and telecommunication systems of short-wave part of millimeter waveband.
N. I. Sinitsyn, J. F. Zakharchenko, Yu. V. Guluaev
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (197 kB)
Theoretical investigation of cold startup of magnetrons with cold secondary-emission cathode by external UHF-field.
M. I. Avtomonov, D. M. Vavriv, S. V. SosnytskyAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (148 kB)
Wideband measurement of effective scattering surface by the method of time-and-frequency transformation.
V. S. Bachurin, A. D. Demenev, V. D. Pyshnyj
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (594 kB)
Space charge and energy recuperation in cyclotron-wave converter.
V. L. Savvin, G. M. Kazaryan, A. V. Konnov, D. A. Miheev, A. V. Peklevskiy
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (391 kB)
Derivation of the Ginzburg-Landau type equation for nanowire near critical magnetic field.
A. V. Semenov, I. A. Devyatov, I. V. Tretyakov, Yu. V. Lobanov, R. V. Ozhegov, D. V. Petrenko, S. V. Selivestrov, M. I. FinkelAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (113 kB)
Linear response of a quantum wire with bulk leads.
S. N. Artemenko, V. G. Kornich, D. S. ShapiroAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (272 kB)
Electronic transport through a quantum wire with leads of higher dimension.
P. P. Aseev, S. N. ArtemenkoAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (263 kB)
Spectral sensitivity of superconducting single photon detector.
G. M. Chulkova, A. V. Semenov, A. A. Korneev, A. I. Kordakova, N. V. Averyev, P. P. An, A. Yu. Kazakov, A. V. TrifonovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (126 kB)
Calculation of linear in power corrections to spectral functions of a superconductor and of their contribution to response of superconducting detectors.
A. V. Semenov, I. A. Devyatov, A. V. Smirnov, B. M. Voronov, R. V. Ozhegov, I. V. Tretyakov, S. A. Ryabchun, G. M. Chulkova, D. V. Petrenko, A. V. Antipov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (130 kB)
Dynamics of the resistive state in narrow superconducting strips and ultimate speed of superconducting single-photon detectors.
A. V. Semenov, A. A. Korneev, O. V. Okunev, A. V. Antipov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (266 kB)
Fhoton-number resolving superconducting single-photon detector for long-distance telecommunication systems.
G. M. Chulkova, A. V. Semenov, A. V. Divochiy, M. A. Tarkhov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (143 kB)
259 kB)
Optimization of output parameters of power multi-beam monotron oscillator having four-gap cavity which is excited in-phase oscillation.
Natalia A. Akafyeva, Alexey Yu. Miroshnichenko, Vladislav A. Tsarev
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (125 kB)
Deviation of expression for thermodynamic potential of "dirty" superconductor.
A. V. Semenov, I. A. Devyatov, A. A. Korneev, K. V. Smirnov, G. N. Goltsman, A. P. Melnikov
An electron beam formation and its structure in cyclotron wave converter electron optics.
Alexander V. Konnov, Gohar Ì. Kazaryan, Dimitri À. Mikheev, Vladimir L. Savvin, Tatiana I. Chernobay
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (463 kB)
311 kB)
Antenna and detector of terahertz radiation based on the double-carbon-nanotube system.
Vyacheslav L. Semenenko, Vladimir G. Leiman, Aleksey V. Arsenin, Yury V. Stebunov, Victor I. Ryzhii
Detector of modulated terahertz radiation bazed on graphene nanoribbons.
Yury V. Stebunov, Vladimir G. Leiman, Aleksey V. Arsenin, Vyacheslav L. Semenenko, Victor I. RyzhiiAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (6 273 kB)
Characteristics of antisymmetric Lamb waves of zeroth order in the structure "piezoelectric plate - nanocomposite polymeric layer - liquid".
I. Å. Kuznetsova, B. D. Zaitsev, I. À. Borodina , À. Ì. Shikhabudinov, A. S. Kuznetsova, A. A. Teplykh
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (231 kB)
Description of the plasmon resonator with the two dimensional electron gas layer in terms of lumped parameters.
Vyacheslav L. Semenenko, Yurii V. Stebunov, Vladimir G. Leiman, Aleksey V. ArseninAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (158 kB)
Temperature dependence of surface conductivity and tunneling density of states of the Si(111)-7x7 surface in slightly-doped crystals.
A. B. Odobesku, A. A. Rogozin, S. V. Zaitsev-ZotovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (428 kB)
Voltage responsivity and noise temperature of detectors based on the hot-electron effect in ultrathin superconducting films.
S. A. Ryabchun, I. V. Tretyakov, I. V. Pentin, M. I. Finkel, P. A. Larionov, A. V. MaslennikovaAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (177 kB)
346 kB)
Oscillations of current in quantum rings with spin-orbital interaction due to the switching of magnetic field.
P. M. Shmakov, P. S. Alekseev
A. Tsarev, A. I. Korchagin, A. Yu. Miroshnichenko 660 kB)
Investigation of the two-mode interacting fields fractal two-gaps cavity with electrons in the multiple-beam klystrode.
1 138 kB)
Study of the relationship of energy spectra of molecules and the transport characteristics of single-electron transistor on their basis.
Y. S. Gerasimov, V. V. Shorokhov, A. G. Maresov, E. S. Soldatov, O. V. Snigirev
192 kB)
Detection of resonant torsional oscillations of the quasi one-dimensional conductor TaS3 with the heterodyne mixing technique.
M. V. Nikitin, V. Ya. Pokrovskii, S. V. Zybtsev
470 kB)
Simulation of electromagnetic resonant system with Josephson junction.
V. V. Pavlovskiy
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (
613 kB)
Equivalent circuit of Josephson junction with integrated antenna in terahertz frequency band.
O. Yu. Volkov, V. N. Gubankov, I. I. Gundareva, Yu. Ya. Divin, V. V. Pavlovskiy
Optimization of electrical and structural parameters of YBa2Cu3O7-x thin-film electrodes of bicrystal Josephson junctions with chemical and thermal treatments of substrates.
I. I. Gundareva, V. N. Gubankov, Y. DivinAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (928 kB)
1 111 kB)
IR single-photon receiver based on ultrathin NbN superconducting film.
A. A. Korneev, A. V. Divochiy, Yu. B. Vakhtomin, Yu. P. Korneeva, P. A. Larionov, N. N. Manova, I. N. Florya, A. V. Trifonov, B. M. Voronov, K. V. Smirnov, A. V. Semenov, G. M. Chulkova, G. N. Goltsman
1 163 kB)
Increasing of a output power and a operating frequency the broadband TWT.
Yu. N. Pchelnikov, A.Yu. Miroshnichenko, N.A. Akafyeva
922 kB)
Non-traditional application of slow-wave structures.
Yu. N. Pchelnikov, A.Yu. Miroshnichenko, N.A. Akafyeva
Estimation of the absorbed local oscillator power of superconducting NbN mixers within the framework of the hot-spot model.
S. A. Ryabchun, I. V. Tretyakov, A. I. Kardakova, A. V. Semenov, Yu. V. Lobanov, S. V. Seliverstov, A. V. Trifonov, A. V. Maslennikova 133 kB)
808 kB)
Simulation of physical processes in semiconductor structures under the influence of the powerful microwave pulse. Shottky-barrier structures.
S. A. Mesheryakov
Simulation of physical processes in semiconductor structures under the influence of the powerful microwave pulse. Bipolar structures.
S. A. MesheryakovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (946 kB)
About the estmate of the thermal burnout power of the diode semiconductor structures at a pulsing electromagnetic radiation.
S. A. Mesheryakov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (370 kB)
Decrease of phase sensitivity of traveling wave tube.
A. S. Gvozdaryev, T. K. Artyomova, K. S. Artyomov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (3 481 kB)
Laser formation of relativistic submicron electron bunches from plasma layers.
Victor V. Kulagin, Vladimir N. Kornienko, Vladimir A. Cherepenin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (350 kB)
Stability of linear parametric oscillator with dissipation.
Anton V. BolovinAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (124 kB)
167 kB)
Tunneling polaron effects and density of states at Fermi level of two-dimensional electron system.
I. N. Kotel'nikov, S.E. Dizhur, N.A. Mordovets
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (
Research of spectrum of output signal of amplifier on the basis of phase-stable travelling-wave tube (TWT).
V. V. Demin, E. M. Ilina, A. G. Kudryashov, B. K. SivyakovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 008 kB)
Multipactor discharge in output rectangular waveguides of high power microwave electron devices.
V. V. Yegorov, M. A. Martynenko, B. V. ProkofievAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (849 kB)
Thermal stability of superconducting high sensitive THz receivers.
E. Baranov, O. Bolshakov, V. Vdovin, A. Eliseev, D. Korotaev, V. Koshelets, I. Lesnov, A. Mukhin, M. TorgashinAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (355 kB)
Optimization of parameters of miniature multibeam klystrode with dual-frequency double-gap resonator.
V. A. Tsarev, I. V. BorodenkovaAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (323 kB)
About transportation of sheet electron beam in axially symmetric magnetic field.
V. L. Savvin, A. V. Konnov, D. A. Miheev, G. M. Kazaryan, I. I. ShuvaevAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (245 kB)
Transport of beam having initial elliptic cross-section and preserving its form.
P. I. Akimov, A. A. Gavrilin, A. P. Nikitin, V. A. Syrovoi, A. B. Bogoslovskaya
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (248 kB)
Generation of x-rays and gamma rays during interaction of powerful laser pulses with plasma layers.
Victor V. Kulagin, Vladimir N. Kornienko, Vladimir A. CherepeninAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (202 kB)
Multi-beam oscillator W-band resonator with distributed interaction.
V. A. Tsarev, O. A. Gorlin, D. A. NesterovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (462 kB)
Semiclassical theory of graphene spaser.
I. A. Nechepurenko, A. V. Dorofeenko, Yu. E. LozovikAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (208 kB)
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