Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences


(zhurnal radioelektroniki)

online journal, eISSN 1684-1719

Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev


Russian page)






  Adaptive segmentation methods for quasi-static analysis of multiconductor transmission lines
Maksimov A.E., Kuksenko S.P.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


  Neural network algorithm for signal detection with binary pulse position modulation
Korchagin Yu.E., Titov K.D., Zavalishina O.N.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


  Using generative-adversarial neural networks to expand training (test) samples
Belokopytov M.L.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


  Mathematical apparatus to analyze of interference-suppressing strip devices with asymmetric structure
Surovtsev R.S.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


  Investigation of phase noise influence of modulator for the error-performances under reception of digital signals
Kuliev M.V., Nazarov L.E.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


  On antenna feeding models for calculating its input impedance by the method of moments
Klyukin D.V., Demakov A.V., Kvasnikov A.A., Alhaj Hasan A., Kuksenko S.P.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Direction-of-arrival estimation algorithm in automotive distributed non-coherent multi-radar systems
Artyukhin I.V., Averin I.M., Flaksman A.G., Rubtsov A.E.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Effect of increasing the piezomodules of the initially compressed flexible bimorph
Pan’kov A.A.

Abstract  Full text: pdf


 The electroelastic properties of the initial-stressed piezoceramics PZT-4 with unidirectional tunnel pores
Pan’kov A.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Modal analysis of fiber optic resonance piezoelecluminescent pressure sensor
Pan’kov A.A., Pisarev P.V., Bayandin S.R.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Optimization methods for scheduling observations of spacecraft by ground-based radio measuring instrument
Grigorev.V.S., Ksendzuk A.V.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


The dependence of the signal on the displacement of the lens scattering circle in the anglerange 0-90º relative to the pixel center of the photosensitive matrix
Znamenskii I.V.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Improving the performance and fault tolerance of circuit CAD systems based on the methods of diacoptics and automation of managing multi-tenant components
Gridin V.N., Anisimov V.I., Vasilev S.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Bifurcation analysis of the structure of complete synchronization of the system of non-identical Josephson junctions
Kuznetsov A.P., Sataev I.R.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Spin waves phase comparator
Arkhipova O.Yu., Matveev A.A., Safin A.R., Nikitov S.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Comparative analysis of accuracy of frequency synchronization algorithms for satellite communication system based on DVB-S2 signal
Levichev S.A., Iansitov K.K., Dorokhin S.V., Dvorkovich A.V.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Investigation of algorithms for preliminary frequency synchronization in a satellite communication receiver in the conditions of a non-geostationary orbit of a spacecraft
 Bibikov A.M., Leonov I.E.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Modeling of external influence on the resonance properties of bulk antiferromagnet α − Fe2O3 during a spin-reorientation transition
 Bogdanova T.V., Kalyabin D.V., Safin A.R., Nikitov S.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf




 Method of space debris element recognition from optical and radar images based on neural network technologies
Mishukov O.A., Smirnov A.N., Zhitikhin A.E.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 A model of quantum particle behavior in a potential well with a moving wall
Kartsev A.I., Safronov A.A., Makhov M.I.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Mathematical model of functioning cognitive radio system
Golovskoy V.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Bandwidth and information capacity of a resource: space, frequency, time
Grishentsev A.Yu.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 A method of data synthesis to improve the effectiveness of neural network training
Shlenskih D.A., Belokopytov M.L., Anohin D.V., Ivanov I.G.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Minimizing error probability during weighed reception of a message with a two-level pulse-code modulation under conditions of inter-symbol interference
Degtyaryov A.N., Koneva S.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Piezoelectric disk torsion actuator with discrete-spiral electrodes
Pan’kov A.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Electroelasticity of piezoelectric film actuator with system of interacting interdigitated electrodes
Pan’kov A.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Modes of generalized synchronization of the robust wide-band signal generators in a presence of frequency distortions in a communication channel
Lubchenko D.O., Isaeva O.B.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Dependence of the signal magnitude on the displacement of the scattering function of a point inscribed in four pixels of the matrix
Znamenskiy I.V., Zotiev E.O., Oleynikov I.I., Tunguspaev A.T.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Non-stationary inverse filter
Khafizov R.G., Salikhova L.M., Mertvishchev A.S.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


On the calculation of the Minkowski dimension for grayscale images
Shaposhnikov A.I

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Coupled quasi-periodic generators with different types of coupling (discrete model)
Kuznetsov A.P., Sedova Yu.V.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Extraction of per-unit-length parameters of transmission lines from measured S-parameters
Pavlov N.S., Zhechev Y.S., Zabolotskiy A.M.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Investigation of the conditionality of the problem of determining the parameters of a linear N-pole by input frequency characteristics
Korovkin N.V., Grishentsev A.Y., Minevich T.G.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Statistical synthesis and analysis of comprehensive parameters estimation algorithms in wireless sensor networks
Parfenov V.I., Kalininskii A.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Design fundamentals of high temperature silicon carbide operational amplifiers in the freely related environments MicroCap and LTspice
Chumakov V.E., Frolov I.V., Kleimenkin D.V., Prokopenko N.N.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Analysis of noisy spectra of electron paramagnetic resonance
Vorobeva E.A., Koksharov Yu.A., Taranov I.V., Gulyaev Yu.V.

Abstract   Full text: pdf



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