Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of SciencesJOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS(zhurnal radioelektroniki) online journal, eISSN 1684-1719 Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev |
(Russian page)
Analysis of Radar Properties of Objects of Complex Spatial Configuration.
A.B. Borzov, R.P. Bystrov, A.V. Sokolov.
Estimation of Noise Equivalent Power and Design Analysis of an Andreev Reflection Hot-electron Microbolometer for Submillimeter Radioastronomy. A.N. Vystavkin.
The Analysis of Radar-Tracking Scenes via Mathematical Simulation Method.
A.B. Borzov, E.A. Zasovin, A.V. Sokolov, V.B. Suchkov.
Asymptotic Method for Predicting Error Performance Parameters and Objectives for Constant Bit Rate Digital Paths Carried by Digital Radio-Relay Systems.
V. Minkin, A. Voschinin.
Methods of Computer Simulation of Radar Characteristics of Complex Objects.
A.B. Borzov, A.V. Sokolov, V.B. Suchkov.
Efficiency of the Polarization Radars in Problem Detection Stable Targets on Background of Passive Clutter. S.P.Lukjanov.
Quasi-determinate Three-dimentional Model of Multipath Millimeter-wave Propagation Channel in Urban Invironment. Yu.V. Lavrentjev.
Millimeter Waves in Communications Systems. R.P. Bystrov, A.V. Petrov, A.V. Sokolov.
About the Possibility of Orbital Superficial Radiolocator Creation.
A.G. Oganesyan, I.B. Tchaikovsky.
Response of Forming Radar Image Filter on Signal from Small-dimensional Object and Earth Surface Noise Taking Account of Atmospheric Turbulence. N.V. Kretov, T.Ye. Ryzhkina, L.V. Fedorova.
Factors Affecting Responce of Target Radar Image Forming Filter in Synthetic Aperture Radar Systems. N.V. Kretov.
Methods of Optical Matched Filtering in Accurate Instrument Design.
V.L. Shanin, O.V. Shanin.
Random Streams of Impulses with Given Correlative Properties.
F.V. Golik.
Potential Radar Thickness Measurements Accuracy of Layered Environments.
A. G. Oganesian, I. B. Tchaikovsky.
Comparative Analysis of Approximations for Probability of Detection of Radar Signals. R.S. Anosov, S.S. Anosov.
Noise-immunity of the Polarization Radars in Problem Detechion Stable Targets on Background of Passive Clutter.
S. P. Lukyanov.
Tone Algorithm for Detection of Eavesdropping Devices.
G. V. Makarov, V. V. Bykovnikov, A. N. PjatuninMultitone Algorithm for Detection of Eavesdropping Devices.
G. V. Makarov, V. V. Bykovnikov, A. N. Pjatunin
Vectorial Structure of Radiation which Was Reflex by Forest Cover of the Earth.
V. P. Yakubov, E. D. Telpuchovskiy, V. D. Chuikov, M. G. Bulahov, D. V. Malishev.
Using of Impedance Covers to Reduce Sidelobe Level of Antenna.
M. Yu. Zvezdina
Investigation of Statistical and Spectral Characteristics of VHF-UHF Transatmospheric
Estimation of radar objects information features at ultrawideband sounding.
V. I. Koshelev, V. T. Sarychev, S. E. Shipilov, V. P. Yakubov
Space selection of signals of arbitrary polarization.
D. D. Gabriel'yan, M. Yu. Zvezdina, S. A. Chernikch
Influence of the form of a sounding signal to an accuracy of a radar-location of stratified mediums.
A. G. Oganesian, I. B. Tchaikovsky
Passive algorithm for detection of eavesdropping devices in conditions of a priori unknown transfer constant of communication channel.
V. V. Bykovnikov, A. B. Tokarev
Factors having an influence to millimeter wave propagation in the surface layer of atmosphere.
G. K. Zagorin, A. Yu. Zrazshevsky, Ye. V. Konkov, A. V. Sokolov, S. V. Titov, G. I. Khokhlov, L. F. Chornaya
The synthesis problem of antenna array of arbitrary geometry by preassigned vector radiation pattern.
D. D. Gabriel’yan, S. E. Mishchenko
Improvement of algorithm of angle distinguishng of uncorrelating signals by adaptive formation of a plitude pattern "nulls".
G. G. Vertogradov, D. D. Gabriel'an, M. Yu. Zvezdina, V. N. Chevtchenko
The model of radiowave tomograph.
V. P. Yakubov, S. A. Slavgorodskiy
Reduction of conversion loss and single - sideband noise temperature of near-millimeter wave receivers by restoration of signal converted in image.
Yu.A. Dryagin, L.I. Fedoseev, L.M. Kukin, A.A. Shvetsov, V.G. Bozhkov, V.A. Genneberg
Estimation of accuracy of corners arrival measurement in decameters range of waves.
V.V. Kopytov, O.G. Pikalov
Vectorial exposure to radiation of a forest canopy.
V. P. Yakubov, E. D. Telpuchovskiy, V. L. Mironov, V. B. Kashkin
Pole Model of Ultrawideband Signals and Pulse Characteristics based on the Maximum Entropy Principle.
V.I. Koshelev, V.T .Sarychev, S.E. Shipilov
On the Noise Parameters of Diode Mixers.
Yu.A. Dryagin, K.A. Goronina
Estimation of effectiveness of service areas by base stations of GSM standard.
A.V. Beresnev.
Optimum search of stationary target by multiway information system.
Navigation system for precision farm operations.
K.A. Safronov.
The spectrum structure of quasi-periodic oscillation in the system of coupled nonlinear oscillators.
V.V. Kopylov, K.S. Kostenko.
Radio communication features in the phase of entering of space vehicles into dense atmosphere layers, caused by surface charge.
O.B. Vorobyev, N.A. Tenyakova.
Distortion of radio signals, propagated in the earth-space direction, in the presence of non-stationary plasma formations.
B.S. Borisov, V.I. Garkusha, V.A. Morozov, B.A. Khadji, E.G. Shustin.
Interference effects in two-dimensional gitters.
A.Yu. Vetluzhsky.
Discrete Wavelet Transform Application to Rayleight Fading Channel Estimation in Radio Communications.
V.V. Zaharov, Casco S Fausto
A CNLMS Adaptive Filter Algorithm.
Casco Fausto, Omar Amín, Victor Zaharov, Alexander Ekzhanov
Super-wideband remote sensing of forest cover.
V.P. Yakubov, E.D. Tel'pukhovsky, G.M. Tsepelev.
Dynamical model of Rayleigh channel with fading.
I.M. Oroschuk.
Statistical analysis of operating of initial photo-electron beam multipliers in photoemissive devices.
I.E. Khairov.
Time and spatial statistics of millimeter radar range in clear atmosphere.
A.V. Sokolov, R.N. Chekanov.
Simulation of range of millimeter radar stations at rain conditions.
A.V. Sokolov, R.N. Chekanov.
Simulation of processes of discrete interaction in travelling-wave tube with resonator delay-line structure.
S.V. Mukhin.
Determination of measurement error of pseudo-range in single-frequency apparatus "ÃËÎÍÍÀÑÑ" and GPS.
M. Yu. Kazantsev, Yu.L. Fateev.Determination of radio-transparent coefficient of thermal-insulation cover.
O.B. Vorobyev, N.A. Tenyakova.
Mathematical Justification of the Parameters of Probing Signals for Realization of Bistatic Location in Low-frequency Tomography.
P.A. Starodubtsev, E.P. Starodubtsev.
Microwave Class "B" Amplifier.
S.N. Arzhanov, D.D. Zhiltsov, A.I. Silutin.
Analysis of FPGA, Realizing Nonlinear Digital Filters.
A.M. Pogorelov.
Elaboration of Technical Requirements for the Detection System Using VHF- and TV-transmitters Radiation.
S.E. Lubochko.
Attenuation of Electromagnetic Waves by Vegetation Canopies in the 100 – 10000 MHz Frequency Band.
Alexander A. Chukhlantsev, Anatolij M. Shutko, and Sergei P. Golovachev
Schemes with Operational Amplifiers at the Mode of Large Signal.
Mamedov A.K.ogly.
Potential Possibilities of Bicrystal Radiometer for High Resolution Observation of the Earth Surface.
A.P. Vereschak, V.V. Piskorzh.
Correlation-impulse Method of Increasing of Short-haul Doppler Detector Receiver Sensitivity.
V.M. Malyshev, A.M. Borodin.
Hysteresis of Electric Field in the Heterosystem n-AlGaAs/GaAs with 2D-electrons.
V.I. Kadushkin.
Statistical Method of Detection of Illegal Invasion into Radio Channel.
I.M. Orischuk.
Signal Filtration at the Estimation of Frequency-time Parameterts.
V.G. Patukov.
Resolution of Adaptive Antenna Arrays n the Presence of Parameter Fluctuations.
G.V. Serebryakov.
Method of Informational Filtration of Channels with Fading Caused by Simulated Echo Using Frequency Manipulation.
I.M. Oroschuk.
Method of Detection of Scanning Attacks in the Channels with Fading.
I.M. Oroschuk
Phase Synthesis Method with Given Vector Polar Pattern for Linear Antenna Array with Non-identical Oscillators.
S.E. Mischenko, D.V. Tupichkin.
Effect of Pulse-duration Modulation on the Inaccuracy of Induction Electric Power Meter and on the Dissipation in the Asynchronous Motor.
A.P. Popov, A.O. Chugulev, A.A. Gorshenkov, S.M. Klevansky.
Compact Impedance Buffers Synthesis on basis of Lines with Sliding Impedance.
A.N. Anufriev, I.N. Saliy.
Stationary Modes in the System of Bound Self-oscillators, Synchronised by Phase-splitted External Signal.
V.B. Antipov, I.V. Antipov.
Digital Systems for Certification of Devices for Expanded Object Location (Surveillance Radar Stations).
N.S. Sologub, A.V. Ksendzuk.
Excitation of Planar Array of Slit Radiators by Finite Size Exiter.
M.D. Duplenkova.
2D-Equidistant Array of Slit Radiators, Containing Two Slits per Period, of Finite Size by One Coordinate and Infinite by the Other.
M.D. Duplenkova.
Radar System Update Optimization for the Conditions of Conflict Counteraction.
A.A. Strotsev.
Superresolution in the Millimeter Waves Radio-Vision Systems.
Yu.A. Pirogov, V.V. Gladun, D.A. Tischenko, A.L. Timanovsky, I.V. Shlemin, S.F. Dzhen.
Monopulse Radar with Optical Synchronization Channel and Digital Signal Processing for the Sounding of Glaciers.
V.Sh. Berikashvili, E.V. Vasilenko, Yu.Ya. Macheret, V.G. Sokolov.
Precise Laser Interferometry with 1 PM Resolution.
M. N. Dubrov, V. A. Alyoshin
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