Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences


(zhurnal radioelektroniki)

online journal, eISSN 1684-1719

Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev


Russian page)





  Obtaining and processing satellite data for the detection of flood conditions
Savchenko E.V., Maklakov S.M.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


  An impact of the atmosphere on the studies of rugged terrain by radar interferometry techniques
Zakharov A.I., Zakharova L.N., Sinilo V.P., Denisov P.V.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


  The device for detecting and estimating correlated cover-pulse jamming in a pulse-doppler tracking radar
Chigir I.V., Gorhkov S.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


  About the feasibility to realize a nonlinear radar with processing at the probing signal frequency
Afonin I.L., Slyozkin V.G.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 The method of synthesis of the direction finding algorithm of the producer of combined simulating and self-covering interference in monopulse pulsed-dopler tracking radar
Chigir I.V., Gorhkov S.A.

Abstract   Text: pdf


 An algorithm for detecting PSK – signals based on wiener filtering with preliminary nonlinear processing
Morozov O.A., Pinegina N.A.

Abstract   Òåêñò: pdf


 UAV-based two-position ground penetrating radar for operational monitoring of subsurface water resources
Baskakov A.I., Komarov A.A., Mikhailov M.S., Luchkovsy N.D., Odsuren B.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Nonlinear filtering for the state of extended targets
Le Ba Thanh

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Algorithm for multiple extended target tracking
Le Ba Thanh

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Multi-target tracking algorithm in conditions of multipath radar reflection
Le Ba Thanh

Abstract   Full text: pdf




 Analytical method for solving the problem of determining the location of a radio source in three-dimensional space
Ovcharenko L.A., Khrenov A.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 The problem of detecting abnormal waves on water by navigation radar. 2. The solution of the radiolocation equation
Permyakov V.A., Baskakov A.I., Mikhailov M.S., Permiakov S.V.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Method of evaluating reflective characteristics of objects based on multi-focal probing fields
Emel’yanov E.S.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Scattering characteristics of a corner reflector with polarization transformation when irradiated with microwave radio signals of microsecond and nanosecond duration
Shoshin E.L.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Timofeev A.L., Sultanov A.Kh., Meshkov I.K., Gizatulin A.R. Radar with holographic coding of probing signal
Timofeev A.L., Sultanov A.Kh., Meshkov I.K., Gizatulin A.R.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Geometric factor of singlesatellite system determining the location of subscriber terminal by estimates of the frequency by the doppler method
Peredri A.V., Semenyuk S.S., Abakumov A.N., Andreychenko M.I.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


 Optimal receiver ensuring maximum signal-to-noise ratio when affected by non-white non-gaussian noise
Degtyaryov, A.N., Afonin I.L., Slyozkin V.G., Slyozkin G.V.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


A system for locating the coordinates of a radio emission source on small-sized mobile platforms.
Makaretsky E.A., Ovchinnikov A.V., Gublin A.S.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Detection shift of the Earth’s surface with space-based SAR in a single-pass squint technique
Babokin M.I., Shimkin P.E.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Peculiarities of structural synthesis of radar information processing algorithms during multi-frequency observation
Yastrebkov A.B., Kozev S.G.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Evaluation of the stability of phase difference measurement in a passive bistatic GNSS radar system based on a software receiver
Fateev V.F., Ksendzuk A.V., Lopatin V.P., Artyushchev D.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Ambiguities in space-based SAR using a circular reflector antenna
Khramov K.K., Kostrov V.V., Makarov V.P.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Algorythm of detection probing signals with linear frequency modulation by neural network processing their spectra on output of autocorrelator
Berdnik M.O.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Application of the cosine mismatch criterion when accounting the Rayleigh noise in the problem of monopulse direction finding
Chumankin Y.E., Morozov O.A.

Abstract   Full text: pdf


Military objects detection using a convolutional neural network on radar images formed in jamming conditions
Kupryashkin I.F.

Abstract   Full text: pdf



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