Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of SciencesJOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS(zhurnal radioelektroniki) online journal, eISSN 1684-1719 Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev |
(Russian page)
Influence of relaxations in soil water on the temperature dependence of soil permittivity
Karavayskiy A.Yu., Lukin Yu.I.
Searching for a gold-quartz vein in the permafrost zone using deep ground-penetrating radar
Gulevich O.A., Volkomirskaya L.B., Varenkov V.V., Reznikov A.E.
Using a neural network, radar and multispectral optical data of Sentinel-1,2 for the moisture monitoring of vegetation covered soil
Zeyliger A.M., Muzalevskiy K.V., Zinchenko E.V., Ermolaeva O.S.
On the influence of the dispersion of absorption on the time dependence of a holonomic narrow-band signal in a dispersive medium far from the point of radiation
Bukhman N.S., Kulikova A.V.
About calculation of lunar ground radio brightness temperature
Yushkova O.V.
Propagation of a U-shaped radio PULSES in a selectively absorbing medium
Kulikova A.V, Bukhman N.S.
Radio-physical features of radar reflections from a clear sky in the millimeter wavelength range
Kulikovskii K.V., Sterlyadkin V.V.
Influence of oscillating polarization current on the absorption of VLF radio waves propagating along the earth's magnetic field line
Krasnov V.M., Kuleshov Yu.V., Gotur I.A., Drobzheva Ya.V.
Application of SDR technology to increase interference immunity: experimental study of the channel with OFDM modulation in GNU RADIO
Ganigin S.YU., Nechaev A.S., Kiyashchenko V.V., Golubeva M.M., Zhuravleva E.S.
Features of receiving signals of the radar complex in the LUNA-RESOURCE-1 project
Marchuk V.N., Yushkova O.V.
The influence of particle size composition and salinity on the type of dielectric spectra of soils
Varnakov S.A., Yashchenko A.S., Krivaltsevich S.V., Nikiforova A.O.
Software and hardware systems for machine image synthesis for aviation simulators
Mikheev M.Yu., Roganov V.R., Asmolova E.A., Yesimova N.S., Dolgovesov B.S., Kuvshingova O.A.
Influence of clusters on the scattering of microwave radiation in dry snow
Golunov V.A.Muzalevskiy K.V. Features of radiometric sensing of tundra soils moisture in the P-band
Muzalevskiy K.V.
Impact of the evaporation duct uncertainty on the tropospheric radio wave propagation
Lytaev M.S.
The model of permittivity of organomineral soils, considering mineral composition and organic matter content
Karavayskiy A.Yu., Fomin S.V., Lukin Yu.I.
Study of electromagnetic field characteristics at errors of focusing phase distributions
Potapova O.V., Sedelnikov Yu.E.
Propagation of a U-shaped radio pulse in a selectively amplifying medium
Kulikova A.V, Bukhman N.S.
Utilizing software-defined radio for structural analysis of energy-intensive substances using nuclear magnetic resonance
Kiyashchenko V.V., Akopyan A.A., Ganigin S.YU., Zhuravleva E.S.
Two methods for measuring the amplitude-frequency characteristics of multipath ionospheric short-wave radio channels based on the data of oblique ionospheric radiosonding
Schiriy À.O.
Karavayskiy A.Yu., Lukin Yu.I. The influence of organic matter and volumetric moisture on the crossover of soil dielectric permittivity spectra
Karavayskiy A.Yu., Lukin Yu.I.
On the relationship between the delay time of a narrowband signal |in a dispersing medium and its attenuation
Bukhman N.S.
Detailing areas of receiving TV signal in single frequency network DVB-T2
Statsenko L.G., Petrosyants V.V., Lomakin A.F., Kolesnikova N.E., Tikhonov D.E.
Some problems of discretization and determination of basic parameters of harmonic signals
Zaitseva I.N., Ugol'kov V.N.
Feasibility of the matched‐field source localization within diffraction and multiple reflections
Lytaev M.S.
On the possibility of the existence of an additional “dead” zone, which should be taken into account in the private planning of shortwave radio stations
Zachateiskiy D.E., Sysoev D.V.
Using the modified method of auxiliary sources in the diffraction problem of an electromagnetic impulse on a subsurface impedance cylinder
Muzalevskiy K.V.
The wet soil's dielectric model for south part of Western Siberia in the frequency range of 3 MHz – 1 GHz
Yashchenko A.S., Varnakov S.A., Krivaltsevich S.V., Nikiforova A.O.
The relaxation time distribution function for a mineral medium clay soil
Lukin Yu.I., Karavayskiy A.Yu.
On the Propagation of Piecewise Holomorphic Signals Through a Cosmic Maser
Bukhman N.S.
Effect of irregular terrain on the ground wave field at 10 mhz
Dembelov M.G., Balkhaev S.N., Bashkuev Yu.B.
Numerical calculation of dipole antenna radiation pattern at interface between two media
Prokopovich I.V.
Influence of strong local atmospheric disturbance on the near field strength of a low-frequency loop antenna located in the Earth's ionosphere
Moshkov A.V.
Spectral dependence of the microwave absorption coefficient of melting snow
Golunov V.A.
Results of velocity analysis of ECDP experimental data in the permafrost zone
Gulevich O.A., Volkomirskaya L.B., Kaygorodov E.P.
Estimation of atmospheric turbulence parameters for the standard atmospheric model
Akhiyarov V.V., Ishchenko E.A.
Time dependence of a quasi-monochromatic signal in the area of destructive two-beam interference of electromagnetic waves
Bukhman N.S.
Expected efficiency of the Eurasian Submillimeter Telescopes (ESMT) at a Cassegrain focus in the range of 1-3 mm
Khaikin V.B., Makoev G.A.
- article in Russian, - article in English.