Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of SciencesJOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS(zhurnal radioelektroniki) online journal, eISSN 1684-1719 Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev |
(Russian page)
Application of terahertz spectroscopy for aqueous solutions of biomolecules study.
A. V. Semenova, Yu. S. Guseva, A. N. Panin, V. L. Vaks
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (297 kB)
New dual-modal contrast agent for magnetic-resonance imaging.
A. V. Shibaev, L. L. Gervits, O. E. Philippova, M. V. Gulyaev, N. V. Anisimov, Yu. A. Pirogov, A. R. KhokhlovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (180 kB)
Usage of a priori information in dynamical inverse problems of passive acoustic thermometry.
A. A. AnosovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 376 kB)
The problem of solving the Hilbert-Huang transform application for biomedical signal processing based on CEEMDAN method.
V. D. Ompokov, V. V. BoronoyevAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (260 kB)
Method of automated epileptic seizure detection in rats' EEG.
V. E. Antsiperov, Y.V. Obukhov
Abstract. Full text: pdf (2 081 kB)
Application of wireless coils in fluorine-19 magnetic resonance imaging.
N. V. Anisimov, M. V. Gulyaev, D. V. Volkov, O. S. Pavlova, Y. A. PirogovAbstract. Full text: pdf (695 kB)
A method for automatically detection of absence epilepsy discharges in EEG signals.
Yu. V. Obukhov, I. A. Kershner, V. V. GnezditskiyAbstract. Full text: pdf (830 kB)
Using cluster analysis and logistic regression for the differentiation of lung diseases.
D. Yu. Kozlov
Abstract. Full text: pdf (569 kB)
Research of new fluorocarbon emulsion by 19F MRI and 19F NMR spectroscopy in comparison with the drug "Perftoranum®" at strong magnetic field 7 T.
M. V. Gulyaev, A. V. Kuznetsova, L. L. Gervits, Yu. A. Pirogov
Abstract. Full text: pdf (797 kB)
Methods of near-field resonance microwave diagnostics.
K.P.Gaikovich, A.I Smirnov, D.V.Yanin.
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Near-field pulse microwave profiling of subsurface dielectric inhomogeneities.
K.P.Gaikovich, Ye.S. Maksimovitch, M.I. Sumin
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Numerical differentiation of biomedical signals based on wavelet transform.
B. Z. Garmaev, V .V. Boronoev
Development of non-contact monitoring of human vital parameters.
P. A. Kobrisev, T. S. Tuykin, A. V. Korjenevsky
Abstract. Full text: pdf
A HHT-based time-frequency analysis of arterial blood pressure signals.
V. D. Ompokov, V. V. Boronoyev
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Ray artery pulse signal characteristics using in the cancer and benign lung diseases differential diagnostics problems.
A. A. Desova, A. A. Dorofeyuk, A. M. Anokhin, J. A. Dorofeyuk
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Software development for the multiprocessor architecture of the personal electrical impedance mammograph PEM.
I. K. Lakeev, A. V. Korjenevsky, T. S. Tuikin
Pneumatic sensor for continuous non-invasive blood pressure measurement.
V. E. Antciperov, G.K. Mansurov
Development of optical detector of malignant tumors.
I. O. Vasnev, A. V. Korjenevsky, T. S. Tuykin
Focused antennas applicators for tasks of diagnostic radio thermometry.
Yu. E. Sedelnikov, V. S. Kublanov, O. V. Potapova.
Improving the quality of medical images.
A. V. Kokoshkin, V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E. P. Novichihin.
Diagnostic measuring test-bench for the investigation of spectral-luminescent properties of low-toxic photosensitizers based on porphyrins complexes with ytterbium.
V. M. Markushev, V. D. Rumyantseva, I. P. Shilov, A. S. Gorshkovà
Submicron displacement measurement technique using ultrasound of megahertz frequency range.
M. Ph. Pyshnyi, S. V. Pyshnaya
Experimental study of near-field resonance microwave diagnostics of biology media.
K. P. Gaikovich , A. G. Galka, A. K. Martusevich , A. I. Smirnov, D. V. Yanin
Method of increase in noise immunity of a radiotermography of biological objects by subtraction of currents in receiving contact antennas, taking into account interaction of these currents.
Yu. N. Barabanenkov, K. M. Bograchev
Studies of the surface properties of lipid monolayers as models of biological membranes.
S. V. Titov, V. S. Malinin, A. S. Titov, K. D. Kazarinov
Differential measurements in electric field tomography: proof of concept using computer simulation.
A. V. Korjenevsky, Yu. V. Gulyaev, E. V. Korjenevskaya
Non-thermal action of ultrashort electric pulses on nanostructured liposomal capsules in aqueous dielectric medium.
Yu. V. Gulyaev, V. A. Cherepenin, I. V. Taranov, V. A. Vdovin, G. B. Khomutov
Visualization of the laboratory animals respiratory system using 19F MRI.
O. S. Pavlova, V. N. Semenova, M. V. Gulyaev, L. L. Gervits, Yu. A. Pirogov
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