Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of SciencesJOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS(zhurnal radioelektroniki) online journal, eISSN 1684-1719 Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev |
(Russian page)
Comparative analysis of standard and modulation methods for measuring thermal resistance of power bipolar transistors.
V. I. Smirnov, V. A. Sergeev, A. A. Gavrikov, A. A. Kulikov, A. M. Shorin
Informativeness of the direct branch of the VI characteristic of devices based on the p-n junction.
A.V. Gradoboev, A.V. Simonova, K.N. Orlova
Creating nano-wire based ring, loopoing and suspended structures by the method of “bottom-up” mechanical nanosport.
S. V. Fongratovsky, V. V. Koledov, A. P. Orlov, A. V. Frolov, A. M. Smolovich, P. V. Lega, V. G. Shavrov, V. Ch. Fam, A.V. Irzhak, T. Pekizeh, S. Bhatchatarria
Relation between photocurrent parameters of LEDs based on GaN heterostructures and a change in their characteristics under heat-current tests.
V. A. Sergeev , I. V. Frolov, O. A. Radaev
Structure, dielectric and magnetic properties of nanocomposites based on opal matrixes, phosphates and vanadates of metals.
À. F. Belyanin, A. S. Bagdasaryan, Yu. V. Gulyaev, A. I. Yurin, E.R.Pavlyukova
Study of heterostructures by measuring surface potential.
I. Yu.Butusov, Ya. A. Boldyreva, S. V. Popov
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Comparative analysis of samples of CdZnS / ZnS and CdZnS / ZnS (GT) quantum dots with a wavelength 390 nm in catodoluminescence mode.
H. K. Majmaa, E. P. Sheshen
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Autoelectronic cathodes of carbon materials for use in cathodoluminescent light sources.
H. K. Majmaa
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Doping profiles of AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs pHEMT-structures.
P. A. Zmanovsky, N D. Il’yushina, M. M. Abdulov, A. K. Smirnova, M. N. Drozdov, A. A. Vedeneev, M. P. Dukhnovsky
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Features of the propagation of a non-reflected spin wave in YIG films with artificial defects.
V. D. Bessonov, V. S. Teplov, A. V. Telegin
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Multilayer structures based on carbon nanowalls and aluminum nitride in field emission cathodes.
S. A. Nalimov, S. A. Bagdasaryan, A. I. Yurin, E. R. Pavlyukova
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AlN Nanostructured Piezoelectric Films obtained by Reactive RF Magnetron Sputtering.
Belyanin A.F., Bagdassaryan A.S., Nalimov S.A., Pavlyukova E.R.
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Electrophysical properties of room-temperature ruthenium micro- and nano-bolometers.
Ilin A.S., Cohn I.A., Sobolev A.S., Kovalenko A.G.
Abstract Full text: pdfThermomechanical properties of microwires from Ni49.9Ti50.1 alloy made of rods processed by warm forging and a combination of ECAP and warm forging.
Kalashnikov V.S., Andreev V.A., Koledov V.V., Gunderov D.V., Shavrov V.G., Kuchin D.V., Petrov A.V., Bybik M.S., Nesolenov A.V.
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Application of mechanical bottom-up nanointegration for CNT based functional nanostructures creation for spintronics and caloritronics.
von Gratovsky S.V., Koledov V.V., Orlov A.P., Nesolenov A.V., Smolovich A.M., Lega P.V., Shavrov V.G., Fam V.Ch., Irzhak A.V., Bhatchatarria S., de Sauce A.S., Nkube S., Coleman C.
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Frequency dependence of magneto-opticalal phenomena in dielectric nanostructures.
Zhumaev M.R., Sharipov M.Z., Koledov V.V., Shavrov V.G.
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Study of the influence of graphene sublayer on the morphology, optical and electrical properties of thin copper films.
Yakubovsky D.I., Kirtaev R.V.
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Nanostructured materials based on opal matrixes and magnetic oxides Ni(Ño)-Zn-Fe.
Belyanin A.F., Bagdasaryan A.S., Bagdasaryan S.A., Pavlyukova E.R.
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Study of the structure of biocompatible nanomaterials based on silicon dioxide.
Belyanin A.F., Bagdasaryan A.S., Sergeeva N.S., Bagdasaryan S.A., Pavlyukova E.R.
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Limitation of the frequency dispersion of electromagnetic radiation produced by fluxons.
Zhumaev M.R., Sharipov M.Z., Koledov V.V., Shavrov V.G.
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Fundamentals of the mechanical assembling “bottom-up” of individual nanoobjects and nanodevices for the investgations of the quantum non-local phenomena, nanoelectronics and biomedical diagnostics.
Koledov V.V., Shavrov V.G., von Gratovsky S.V., Lega P.V., Ilyin A.S., Orlov A.P., Frolov A.V., Prokunin A.V., Bybik M.S., Cotta M.A., Irzhak A.V., Nath D.N., Ghosh A., Kumar P., Coleman C., Bhattacharyya S., Zeng Z.
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