Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of SciencesJOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS(zhurnal radioelektroniki) online journal, eISSN 1684-1719 Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev |
(Russian page)
Simulation model of ultra-wideband radio communication system under the influence of interference
Molev A.A., Titov K.D.
Waveguide microwave filters technical solutions, development trends and calculation methods
Komarov V.V., Lukyanov M.A.
Noise immunity of digital information transmission in a radio communication system by DQPSK signals with frequency hopping spread spectrum in the partial-band jamming noise
Paramonov A. A. Hoang Van Z.
Characteristics of detecting the coherent system of selection of moving targets during the matching of the parameters of the square channels
Ziatdinov S.I.
Modeling of range-Doppler images of multicopters, formed by radar with continuous frequency-modulated signal
Kupryashkin I.F., Sokolik N.V.
Non-precision measurements processing method in the marine objects space radio monitoring for ensuring the navigation safety
Kalmichkov I.E., Mukhin A.I., Smirnov A.N.
Method for the synthesis of broadband devices with an optimal characteristic of the power conversion factor, matching the time-varying load impedance
Dubovik I.A., Boykachev P.V., Isaev V.O.
Dual-channel tracking monopulse antenna using TM01-mode
Vnotchenko S.L., Konev V.G., Lavretski E.I., Chernyshov V.S.
Algorithms of distortion compensation for broadband signals propagated through satellite ionospheric channels
Batanov V.V., Nazarov L.E.
Differential space-time block coding method for application in mobile radio communication systems using MIMO technology
Tokar M.S, Ryabov I.V.
Method of nonlinear code multiplexing of a multiphase group sequence
Berdyshev O.Yu.
Methods for increasing the efficiency of shapers powerful microwave radiation in the task of electromagnetic destruction of a group of radio-electronic means
Volkov A.A.
Modeling and analysis of wavering redistribution of energy in the presence of its own electromagnetic radiation in key electronic circuits on MOS transistors
Boikov K.A.
Methods for the synthesis of probing stepped-frequency signals
Galkin N.K., Golov N.A.
Measurement of water equivalent, average density and height of layered snow cover using UWB electromagnetic pulses
Muzalevskiy K.V.
Estimation of the accuracy of determining the coordinates of a ground radio radiation source from aircraft by a passive single-position method by computer simulation
Polyanskikh P.A., Mescheryakov A.A., Denisov V.P.
Algorithm of phase-frequency distortion adaptive compensation for broadband signals during propagation through transionospheric channels
Batanov V.V., Nazarov L.E.
Correlation estimation for digital communications based on the noise chaotic signals with time windows
Kalinin V.I., Byshevski-Konopko O.A.
Adaptive filtering of harmonic interference when receiving signals with quadrature amplitude modulation
Kulikov G.V., Lelyukh A.A., Grachenko E.N.
Radio signals detection thresholds estimation for energy detection technique
Potapov À.À.
Measuring a small nonreciprocity of the objects
Semyonov E.V., Malyutin N.D.
Method of demodulation of radio pulses, based on the application the principle of coherent samples
Avanesyan H.R.
Modeling of an ultra-wideband GHz range antenna with recursive topology
Drach V.E., Mishenev R.A., Shmelkova A.A.
The effect of the carrier frequency estimation erroron the quality of receiving signals with OFDM modulation
Semenov K.V., Staritsin S.S., Abakumov A.N., Zhitkov I.V.
Ultra-wideband band-pass filter based on a multilayer strip-slot transition
Fomin D.G., Dudarev N.V., Darovskikh S.N.
Phasing errors of the matrix simulator of the echo signals of the multi-antenna radar system
Stepanov M.A., Sabitov T.I., Kiselev A.V.
Verification of modeling wired antennas by the method of moments
Alhaj Hasan A., Kvasnikov A.A., Kuksenko S.P., Gazizov T.R.
Informative sign of determining the category of transmitted data in high-speed information transmission networks
Shishkalov A.V., Nikitin G.V., Kudrin A.V.
Noise immunity of receiving signals with amplitude and phase-shift keying in the presence of phase-shift keying interference
Kulikov G.V., Dang Xuan Khang.
Iterative algorithm of symbol-by-symbol reception of OFDM signal constructions in the presence of spectrum-concentrated interference
Nazarov L.E.
Synthesis of discrete band and notch filters by the method of invariant differential equations
Ziatdinov S.I.
Determination of the rotation angle of an UAV using the data of a radio anglometer
Makridin A.T., Latypov R.R., Skvortsov I.V., Sherstykov O.N.
The effect of reference conductor location on the ultrashort pulse decomposition in a modal filter on a double-sided printed circuit board
Samoylichenko M.A., Gazizov T.R.
Determination of the location of REM using a single-position mobile meter based on the difference-distance direction method of finding
Ovcharenko K.L., Tustin M.M.
Coordination of a small-sized planar loop antenna made using a new composite material for 5G technologies
Boikachev P.V., Sutiko À.À., Yerzhan A.A., Isaev V.Î., Dubovik I.À.
Abstract Full text: pdf
Models of signal distortion during propagation in forest lands
Nazarov L.E.
Abstract Full text: pdf
Filippskikh E.E., Popov A.V., Galkin F.A., Morozov S.V.
Model-oriented method for calculating radar portraits (signatures) of metal objects
Monitoring of maritime navigation facilities based on aerospace remote sensing data in the microwave range using neural network technologies
Belokopytov M.L., Shlenskikh D.A., Morozov S.V., Sirota S.V.
Thinned linear antenna array synthesis using genetic algorithm while maintaining the initial half-power beamwidth and low peak sidelobe level
Karasev A.S., Stepanov M.A.
Determination of the sampling rate of a random process
Veshkurtsev Y.M., Titov D.A.
Comparative analysis methods calibration channels signal antennas monopulse radiolocation
Lukovskiy M.A., Matveev A.M.
Coordination of the antenna device of the control channel and the receiving and transmitting module of an unmanned aerial vehicle in icing conditions
Boikachev P.V., Sutiko À.À., Dubovik I.À., Isaev V.Î., Paliaschuk Ì.I.
Two-stage AFAR calibration method
Lukovskiy M.A., Matveev A.M.
Requirements for the coding matrix of the phase-coded probing signal with zero autocorrelation zone
Ipanov R.N.
The device for measuring the vector module of magnetic field
Shirokov I.B., Durmanov M.A., Redkina E.A.
Investigation of probabilistic characteristics of receiving OFDM-signal structures for multipath propagation and presence of concentrated interference spectrum
Nazarov L.E.
Noise immunity of coherent reception of binary signals with a rectangular envelope in a hydroacoustic communication channel
Denisov V.E.
Signal integrity analysis for the four-layer reflection symmetric modal filter
Zhechev Y.S
Statistical characteristics of differentially coherent communication system based on chaotic radio pulses over a channel with gaussian noise
Sierra-Teran C.M., Ryzhov A.I.
Methods and means for measuring complex permittivity and permeability of materials in the microwave range
D’yakonova O.A., Solosin V.S.
The model of spectral correlation function for OFDM signals with a cyclic prefix
Guschina O.A., Shevgunov T.Ya., Efimov E.N., Vavilova Zh.A.
Compensation of signal distortion during propagation over transionospheric radio lines using the global model of the earth’s ionospher
Nazarov L.E.
The method of complex decoding of group objects by multispectral data
Popov A.V., Philippskih E.E., Belokopytov M.L., Zhyravlev S.V.
Algorithm for optimal symbol-by-symbol reception of frequency-efficient signals with correction codes in non-binary Galois
Nazarov L.E.
Model of the influence of the motion parameters of the radio emission source on the observed parameters of OFDM signals
Zhitkov I.V.
Experimental setup for shielding effectiveness measurements of small-sized enclosures
Ivanov A.A., Komnatnov M.E.
Detection and tracking of objects based on saliency map for UA
Fedosov V.P., Ibadov R.R., Ibadov S.R.
Design of phased array antennas microwave photonic beamforming schemes in microwave CAD AWR DE
Golovin V.V., Tyschuk Y.N., Belkin M.E., Tkachenko M.O.
The automatic digital adjustment system of a receiver local oscillator’s frequency analysis to a magnetron pulsed transmitter’s carrier
Chukhlomin I.E., Trubnikov A.V., Lashkevich G.Y.
Focusing of the radiation of wireless data transmission networks at given points of space
Iuzvik D.A., Stepanov M.A.
Influence of YBaCuO josephson
junction parameters on the characteristics of broadband detection
Matrozova E.A., Masterov D.V., Pavlov S.A., Parafin1 A.E., Revin L.S.
Generation of ultrawideband microwave signals with
laser diode self-heterodyning in Michelson interferometer
Mikitchuk K., Lebedev A., Chizh A.
Generalization of the theory of a new method of modulation and
demodulation of a random signal
Veshkurtsev Yu.M.
Noise immunity of coherent reception
M-PSK signals with a rectangular envelope in a hydroacoustic
communication channel
Denisov V.E.
Refraction influence to estimation of target
elevation in airborne radar
Kireev S.N.