Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of SciencesJOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS(zhurnal radioelektroniki) online journal, eISSN 1684-1719 Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev |
(Russian page)
Generalized impedance method for calculation reflection and passage of waves through multi-layer structure. Part 1. Successive calculation of impedances and amplitudes
Antonets I.V., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
Generalized impedance method for calculation reflection and passage of waves through multi-layer structure. Part 2. Incidence of wave on rectangular barrier
Antonets I.V., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
Generalized impedance method for calculation reflection and passage of waves through multi-layer structure. Part 3. Incidence of wave on the stepped increasing barrier
Antonets I.V., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
Generation spectrum control in multi-element microstrip active antenna arrays operating in the stochastization mode of oscillation
Lyubchenko V.E., Kalinin V.I., Marechek S.V., Radchenko D.E., Telegin S.A., Yunevich E.O.
Estimation of the effectiveness of the asymptotic correspondence of two-dimensional and three-dimensional applied problems of antenna engineering
Ali Ali, Vakhitov M.G., Klygach D.S., Khashimov A.B.
Investigation of the plane electromagnetic wave reflection from a inhomogeneous plasma layer covered of a perfectly conducting plane
Osipov O.V., Panin D.N.
An ultra-wideband single-polarization pyramidal metal-dielectric horn feed
Kaloshin V.A., Thanh Nguyen The
An approximate asymptotic solution for the electromagnetic field of sources near a smooth convex conducting surface of rotation
Indenbom M.V.
Generalized impedance method for calculation reflection and passage of waves through multi-layer structure. Part 4. Criterion of applicability of stepped approximation of nonuniform medium
Antonets I.V., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
Non-stationary vibrations in the system of two connected oscillators in conditions of cubic nonlinearity and cubic connection. Part 1. Multi-regime character of vibrations
Ivanov A.P. Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
Non-stationary vibrations in the system of two connected oscillators in conditions of cubic nonlinearity and cubic connection. Part 2. Variation of system parameters
Ivanov A.P. Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
Ñalculation of double reflector mirror antenna with taking into account the struts with the help of rigorous method
Lavretski E.I., Chernyshov V.S.
Multi-beam antenna with full azimuth fov based on multilayer geodesic lens with axial symmetry
Venetsky A.S., Kaloshin V.A., Tran Tien Thang
Determination and calculation of transitional zone boundaries in planar w-fibers
Otrokhov S.Yu
Elastic resonances in structure: thin magnetic film – thick elastic substrate
Vlasov V.S., Shaporov V.N., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
Application of trinary discretization method for structural distribution analysis of carbon in graphene-contained shungite
Antonets I.V., Golubev E.A., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
Application of three-level discretization method for analysis connection between structure and specific conductivity of graphene-contained shungite
Antonets I.V., Golubev E.A., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
Plasmon resonances of the gold nanofiber coated with quartz layer
Anyutin A.P.
Focusing a monopolar electromagnetic pulse by a 2D parabolic mirror
Kornienko V.N., Kulagin V.V.
The second magnetoelastic resonance in structure: thin magnetic film – thick elastic substrate
Vlasov V.S., Shaporov V.N., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
The study of the principles of constructing of broadband oscillatory microwave systems on the example of a Fabry-Pérot interferometer
Zakharchenko M.Yu., Zakharchenko Yu.F.
Study of the edge-field effect on the properties of plasmon modes in a graphene microribbon
Polischuk O.V., Mashinsky K.V., Popov V.V., Fateev D.V.
Application of machine learning for phase detection in coherent optical reflectometer
Yatseev V.A., Butov O.V.
Electromagnetic analysis of infinite 2D antenna array with random parameters
Bankov S.E.
Wide band dual-polarized antenna array of planar dipoles for base stations of mobile communication
Kobrin K.V., Li Z., Sledkov V.A., Manuilov M.B.
Effects of negative wave refraction in metallic photonic crystals
Vetluzhsky A.Yu.
An approach for constructing a two-element antenna array based on the Cramer-Rao lower bound for direction-of-arrival estimation of radio signals with super-resolution and increased accuracy
Peshkov I.W.
On the design of a dual-band ends-fed dipole-like antenna
Alekseytsev A.S., Parshin Yu.N.
The method of approximate calculation of the Kirchhoff’s integral
Anyutin N.V.
Effect of the electron drift in graphene on the polarization conversion of a normally incident wave
Moiseenko I.M., Popov V.V.
Calculation of a waveguide filter to isolate the third harmonic radiation of the cyclotron frequency of a high-current ka-band gyrotron
Leontyev A.N., Mineev K.V., Rozental R.M.
Application of additive technologies for the manufacture of a model of the slow system of a millimeter waveband traveling wave tube
Ivanov A.A., Morozkin M.V., Orlovskiy A.A., Proyavin M.D., Rozental R.M., Shmelev M.Yu.
The calculation algorithm of sublattise magnetizations in two-sublattice ferrimagnet with compensation point. Part 1. Phase diagram.
Suslov D.A., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
The calculation algorithm of sublattise magnetizations in two-sublattice ferrimagnet with compensation point. Part 2. Power index approximation
Suslov D.A., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
Semenikhin A.I., Semenikhina D.V.
Patcharatnam-Berry metasurfaces with angular orbital momentum generation and combined phase coding for wideband wide-angle RCS reduction
2-bit Patcharatnam-Berry metasurfaces with orbital angular momentum generation, interference and cancellation for broadband RCS reduction
Semenikhin A.I., Semenikhina D.V.
Shock excitation of magnetoelastic system by periodic succession of ultra-short field pulses
Asadullin F.F., Vlasov V.S., Pleshev D.A., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
Study of the conductive properties of a two-gammadion configuration for the conductive section of a strip type transmission line
Malyshev I.V., Dubchenko N.I.
Magneto-optical sensitivity of the spun fiber in the presence of axial mechanical twisting
Morshnev S.K., Starostin N.I., Przhiyalkovskiy Y. V., Sazonov A.I.
Shock action of super-short light pulse on magnetization precession in magnetoelastic system
Asadullin F.F., Pleshev D.A., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
Parametric excitation of non-stationary magnetoelastic vibrations in the scheme of magnetostriction converter
Asadullin F.F., Pleshev D.A., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
The calculation algorithm of sublattice magnetizations in two-sublattice ferrimagnet with compensation point. Approximation by the Brillouin function
Suslov D.A., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.
Broadband Butler matrix 4x4 with crossover as a differential phase shifter
Alekseytsev A.S., Gorbachev A.P., Parshin Yu.N.
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