Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of SciencesJOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS(zhurnal radioelektroniki) online journal, eISSN 1684-1719 Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev |
(Russian page)
Active Phased Array Antennas – State of the Art and Future Trends
Shishlov A.V., Denisenko V.V., Levitan B.A., Topchiev S.A., Shitikov A.M.
Grishentsev A.Yu., Goroshkov V.A., Chernov R.I.
Development of a communication system based on the transmission of information due to the magnetic component of the electromagnetic field
Golovin V.V., Tyschuk Y.N.
Investigation of the characteristics of a deployable space mirror antenna with a sparse reflecting surface
Influence of the transistor seat capacitance on its immunity to electrostatic discharge
Drozdova A.A., Nikolaev I.I., Komnatnov M.E.
Fiber-optic distribution system of microwave signals for active phased array antennas
Chizh A.L, Mikitchuk K.B.
Noise immunity of coherent reception of binary signals with a sinusoidal envelope in hydroacoustic communication channel
Denisov V.E.
Forming a structural scheme of radioobmen with a PRS
Abyshev S.V.
Choice of ensemble of broadband noise-immune signals for satellite communication systems with multiple access
Zaytsev M.A., Savilkin S.B., Suhov A.V., Filatov V.I.
Formation of hypotheses of probing signal wobbling parameters in the methodology for solving the problem of measuring unambiguous Doppler frequency in coherent-pulse surveillance radar
Zavizhenets V.N., Gorshkov S.A., Solonar A.S.
Veshkurtsev Yu.M.
Introduction to statistical modulation theory
Selection of the topology of measurements of the difference-range system for location of radio emission sources with actually set positions of receiving points
Semenyuk S.S., Eremeev I.U., Kozlov À.V., Kosynkin À.I., Veselov I.D.
Stochastic resonance in a digital filter based on the Lyapunov characteristic function
Veshkurtsev Yu.M., Titov D.A., Tabakova A.S.
A method for suppressing pulse interference in an adaptive antenna array with logical signal processing
Mishchenko S.E., Shatskiy N.V.
Choice of the method and hypothesis of probing signal wobbling parameters in the metodology for solving the problem of estimating the ambiguous Doppler frequency in coherent-pulse survey radars
Zavizhenets V.N., Gorshkov S.A., Solonar A.S.
Noise immunity of coherent reception of M-PSK signals with a sinusoidal envelope in hydroacoustic communication channel
Denisov V.E.
Analysis and development of high-precision w-band frequency synthesizer with low spur levels
Shansho A., Dorofeev I.O., Dunaevskii G.E.
Time synchronization in the fifth-generation mobile radio system
Assaf M., Ponomarev O.G.
Method for differentiation of coordinate-informative parameters of additive component signals with combination of carrier frequencies on the basis of spectrum convolution
Bosy A.S., Pechurin V.V., Saniev R.R., Semenyuk S.S.
Korchagin Yu.E., Titov K.D., Petrov Yu.G.
The variable-duration impulsive noise modeling in IEEE 802.15.4-2020 standard radio communication systems
Estimation of duration of the ultra-wideband quasi-radio signal with uncertainty in its presence
Korchagin Yu.E., Titov K.D., Petrov Yu.G.
Quasi-likelihood frequency estimation algorithm of an ultra-wideband quasi-radio signal with unknown duration
Korchagin Yu.E., Titov K.D., Zavalishina O.N.
Open TEM cell for electromagnetic compatibility testing of small-scale radioelectronic devices
Popov P.A., Khramtsov M.V.
Method for synthesizing a matched filter
Degtyaryov A.N., Afonin I.L., Polyakov A.L.
Signal algorithmistics of software-configurable radio monitoring module with frequency scanning sweep
Nikashin A.K., Korchagin A.S., Polevoda Y.A., Kostin M.S.
Magnetic field of multiturn cylindrical coil with ferromagnetic core in nearby proximity of the bulk metal in a task of people search under avalanches in mines
Shirokov I.B., Durmanov M.A., Redkina E.A.
A method for synthesizing an antenna array with a reduced level of side lobes in the presence of failures of channels and modules
Litvinov A.V., Mishchenko S.E., Pomysov A.S., Shatskiy V.V., Atrokhov V.N., Shelkoplyasov S.A.
Formation of a Gauss doublet using a configurable UWB signal generator
Uskov G.K., Elfimov A.E., Smuseva K.V., Velichkina A.S., Bobreshov A.M.
Adaptive reference image formation for onboard correlation-extreme system for moving objects support
Solonar A.S., Tsuprik S.V., Khmarskii P.A.
Formation of single-beamdecameters communication channels using digital antenna arrids placed
Oroshchuk I.M., Suchkov A.N., Kadochnikov M.M.
Increasing communication range of FPV signals – 5.8 G frequency range
Demin O.A., Pechenkin S.M.
Software and hardware methods of suppression of electroacoustic feedback in radio-electronic audio monitoring systems
Levchenko N.R., Kostin M.S.
Model of formation of protocol data blocks of control messages of the control channel for dynamic change of signal parameters of subscriber terminals
Kudrin A.V., Nikitin G.V., Shishkalov A.V.
Algorithm for determining the direction to the source of radio emission in a two-channel phase direction finder
Buylov E.N., Solonar A.S., Boykachev P.V., Liakh B.A., Kozhabaeva I.B.
Bandwidth optimization in terahertz O-type traveling-wave tube
Nguyen Ch. Z., Kovtun D. G.
A way to improve the noise immunity of radio communication lines under conditions of destructive influence of intentional interference
Hoang Van Z., Paramonov A.A.
Dependence of stochastic resonance in a nonlinear system on the characteristics of each additive component of the mixture
Veshkurtsev Yu.M., Titov D.A., Tabakova A.S.
Evaluation of the etching parameters influence on the characteristics of single and multiconductor transmission lines
Kuzmin N.O., Zhechev Y.S.
Evaluation of the impacts of random intentional interference on a data transmission system with cognitive pseudorandom switching of operating frequencies
Genov A.A., Slepykh A.A., Sukhov A.V., Filatov V.I.
Segmentation algorithm for selecting moving objects based on background reconstruction using noise characteristics parameters
Fedosov V.P., Ibadov R.R., Ibadov S.R.
A model for estimation of the probability of detecting aerial objects of a meter-band survey radar station with inversed radar aperture synthesis
Berdyshev V.P, Osipov V.V., Sukhov A.V., Filatov V.I.
Influence of the type of magnetostatic wave on spin pumping in yig/pt microstructures
Seleznev M.E., Nikulin YU.V., Khivintsev YU.V., Vysotskii S.L., Kozhevnikov A.V., Sakharov V.K., Dudko G.M., Filimonov YU.A.
Adaptive frame synchronization algorithm in ultra-wideband radio communication systems
Zaitsev I.V., Zharkov S.N., Titov K.D.
Small-sized radio-electronic digital module for building a nodal seismic system interacting with a UAV
Gorchakov I.V., Neeshpapa A.V., Antonov A.N., Avdyukhina S.Y., Saveliev A.I., Sergeyev S.N.
Statistical model of a highly directional digital antenna array with a spatial correlation method of signal processing
Oroschuk I.M., Suchkov A.N., Kadochnikov M.M.
Pulse interval modulation of ultra-wideband chaotic radio pulses: theory and experiment
Kuzmin L.V., Efremova E.V., Petrosyan M.M., Itskov V.V.
Pulsed georadar antenna
Sakhterov V.I.
Broadband microwave antenna array element with polarization control
Ryazantsev R.O., Salomatov Y.P., Polenga S.V., Erokhin A.A., Gafarov E.R.
Determination of the Shannon limit using special properties of an applied system
Veshkurtsev Yu.M., Titov D.A.
Scale model of the medium frequency monocone antenna
Panko V.S., Andreev A.G., Senchenko A.A., Erokhin A.E. Stankovsky A.V.
Application of metamaterials in antenna devices of digital communication systems
Statsenko L.G., Smirnova. M.M., Sever D.S., Dronin Ya.S.
Digital radio receiver based on neural network
Evstratko V.V., Konovalenko A.I., Mishurov A.V., Yukhmanov A.D.
Structure and element base of the transceiver module for organizing an underwater wireless optical data transmission system
Shirokov I.B., Golovin V.V., Redkina E.A., Serdyuk I.V., Ovcharov P.P
Application of phase-code shift keyed probing signals with zero autocorrelation zone to improve the quality of measurements in SAR
Ipanov R.N., Komarov A.A.
Estimation of noise immunity of ultra-wideband radio communication network based on simulation modeling in Anylogic environment
Molev A.A., Titov K.D., Kondaurova V.V.
Stabilizing regenerator characteristics
Matsaev À.S.
The potential of narrowband radar with spatial modulation of signals
Shaidurov G.YA., Kogtin A.V.
A transceiver module for an active phased array antenna of a small spacecraft
Paneeva A.P., Komissarova E.V.
Analysis of the periodic component of the output signal of a digital filter under conditions of stochastic resonance occurrence
Veshkurtsev Yu.M., Titov D.A.
Application of the resonant-reflectometric method to search for GPS trackers
Bunevich M.A., Kazeka A.A., Kliutsky A.Yu., Vrublevsky I.A., Wang Fuqiang, Zhang Peng, Zhang Jianqiang
Generalized Cramer–Rao inequality in the case of joint direction finding by azimuth and elevation angle in a complex electromagnetic environment
Slichenko M.P., Zavalishina O.N.
Non-reflective filters (review)
Malyutin N.D., Trinh T.T., Malyutin G.A.
Investigation of wave reflection and transmission through a planar layer of chiral metamaterial located in a rectangular waveguide taken into account of material dispersion
Osipov O.V., Panin D.N.
3D constructions of coupled strip lines and their application in microwave devices (review)
Malyutin N.D., Trinh T.T.
Modified method for calculating the characteristics of the goniometer discriminator in a monopulse radar by the method of amplitude instantaneous comparison
Builou E.N., Solonar A.S.
The evolution and application of new approaches for modeling and developing of sparse wire grid antennas
Nguyen M.T., Alhaj Hasan A.F., Gazizov T.R.
Synthesis of modal and distributed parameters of asymmetric coupled lines with inhomogeneous dielectrics
Sychev A.N.
Possibility of creating effective surface acoustic waves devices at frequency above 6 GHz
Suchkov S.G., Nikolaevtsev V.A., Suchkov D.S.
Application of holographic coding to increase the reliability of information transmission in noise communication channels
Timofeev A.L., Sultanov A.Kh., Meshkov I.K., Gizatulin A.R.
Characteristics of detection of a coherent system with matching of quad channels
Ziatdinov S.I., Krasilnikova O.I.
Noise immunity of coherent reception of binary signals with an envelope of the raised cosine type in a hydroacoustic communication channel
Denisov V.E.
Phase pattern distortions of the medum-wave band antenna placed on the carrier
Knyazeva K.V., Panko V.S., Erokhin A.A., Andreev A.G. Kosolapov A.V., Nelipa S.B.
Estimation of influence of the substrate material of the modal filter with electromagnetic absorber on the difference of the modal delays
Murmanskiy M.S., Kuzmin N.O., Zhechev E.S.
Microwave stripline resonator with bulk crystal: experimental characteristics and determination of effective dielectric permittivity
Arutyunyan A.A., Malyutin N.D.
Implementation of stable absolute phase modulation using holographic coding
Timofeev A.L., Sultanov A.Kh., Meshkov I.K., Gizatulin A.R.
Generalized mathematical model of a radio signal in various bases
Agievich S.N., Lutsenko S.A., Tikhonov S.S.
Pareto optimization of the broadband radio direction finder antenna system for small-sized mobile platforms
Makaretsky E.A., Ovchinnikov A.V., Gublin A.S.
Positioning the maximum electric field strength at the required point in space using a focused antenna array
Iuzvik D.A., Stepanov M.A.
Experimental features of the intense ultra-short electric pulses exposure on similar to biological media
Vdovin V.A., Denisov R.A., Sapetskii S.A., Cherepenin, V.A.
Load impedance of electrically small receiving antenna providing minimal group delay time irregularity
Knyazeva K.V., Panko V.S., Erokhin A.A., Andreev A.G. Kosolapov A.V., Nelipa S.B.
A digital predistortion system based on a generalized memory polynomial for GaN power amplifiers
Kashchenko I.E., Pavlov A.P.
Transmission of binary messages by orthogonalized partially overlapped signals
Vershinin V.A.
Comparison of signal processing methods that allow to reduce errors in measurements of bistatic scattering characteristics of material samples
Gilmutdinov R.V., Menshikh N.L., Fedorov S.A., Brook L.V.
Narrow band STW filters with reduced insertion loss
Doberstein S.A., Veremeev I.V., Razgonyaev V.K.
Method of layout of electromagnetic absorbers in the structures of small-size modal filters
Trubcheninov V.A., Vlasov S.V., Zhechev Y.S., Zabolotsky A.M.
Model of the UWB-generator with reconfigurable pulse shape
Uskov G.K., Elfimov A.E., Velichkina A.S., Bobreshov A.M.
Influence of random phase errors on the spatial resolution of synthesis aperture radar
Goryachkin O.V.
Fluctuations of correlation performances in digital noise communications
Kalinin V.I., Byshevski-Konopko O.A.
Stochastic resonance in determining the estimation of the Lyapunov characteristic function
Veshkurtsev Yu.M., Titov D.A.
Characteristics of frequency estimate of a sequence of ultra-wideband radio signal with unknown durations
Korchagin Yu.E., Titov K.D., Zavalishina O.N.
Assessment of the impact of manufacturing defects on the characteristics of the coupled microstrip line
Kuzmin N.O., Murmansky M.S., Zhechev E.S.
Model of spatial distribution of the signal/interference ratio in a network of Ultra-Wideband transceivers
Zubkov A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Efremova E.V.
The noise immunity of IEEE 802.15.4 standard radio communication systems under the interference effect of wideband noise
Korchagin Yu.E., Titov K.D., Petrov Yu.G., Kondratovich P.A.
Bow-tie printed dipole phased array element for 5G mm-wave communication systems
Gevorkyan A.V.
Linear phased array of capacitive feed printed dipole antennas for 5G mm-wave communication systems
Gevorkyan A.V.
Prediction of the noise immunity of the Cospas-Sarsat satellite system based on the results of GPS-monitoring of small-scale ionospheric disturbances
Pashintsev V.P., Kopytov V.V., Mikhailov D.A., Boychenko I.A., Diptan P.A.
Methodology for assessing the effect of ionospheric diffusivity and the choice of operating frequency on the noise immunity of shortwave communications
Pashintsev V.P., Belokon D.A., Tsimbal V.A., Koval S.A., Skorik A.D.
Analysis of construction of the mathematical model of two-dimensional distributions and the potential efficiency of suppression of the non-Gaussian pulse noise
Artyushenko V.M., Volovach V.I.
Algorithm for detecting single and sequence ultra-wideband signals with unknown moments of appearance and disappearance in the presence of interference
Doan T.T., Trifonov P.A.
Design of a compact wideband antenna with a stable radiation pattern for application in small-sized UAVs
Shishkin M.S.
- article in Russian,
- article in English.