Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of SciencesJOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS(zhurnal radioelektroniki) online journal, eISSN 1684-1719 Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev |
The Influence of Profile Distribution of Dielectric Parameters in Soils and Thin Layers Ambiences on Factor of Reflection When Flexing by Flat Horizontally-Polarized Microwaves.
Zagoskin V.V., Shostac A.S., Lukyanov S.P.
New method for calculating of dielectric parameters of upper ground layers with information about reflection coefficients of flat waves with vertical and horizontal polarizations in microwave range.
Shostak A.S., Zagockin V.V., Lukjanov S.P., Karaush A.S.
Possibility of the Remote Sensing of Cloud Crystals Orientation.
O.S.Mocheneva, M.D.Tokman
Experimental Finding of "Starnge" Radiation and Transformation of Chemical Elements.
L.I. Urutskoev, V.I. Liksonov, V.G. Tsinoev.
Atmospheric Attenuation Influence on Efficiency of Small-Sized Millimeter Wavelength Range Sextant. L.I. Fedoseev.
High-Precision Laser Interferometers in Multicomponent Measuring Systems.
M. N. Dubrov, V. A. Alyoshin
The Phase Non-uniformity of Modulation Frequency in the Ray of Semiconductor Laser.
V. U. Andreev, A. K. Andrikeev, V. I. Grigorievsky.
The temperature influence on phase-delay of modulation signal in optical locator.
V. I. Grigorievskii, A. A. Lichmanov, Y.O. Yakovlev
Space Ambiguity Functions of Optimal Parameters Estimation Algorithm for Stochastic Surface Parameters.
V. K. Volosyuk, A. V. Ksendzuk
Dimansional data coding in problem recognition of volume objects.
V. I. Shanin, O. V. Shanin
The methodics of terrain masking characteristics influence estimation on overland objects finding efficiency of on-board RLS in conflict dynamics.
V. G. Kerkov, M. M. Skabarov
Scattered signal statistical characteristics estimation for the stochastic surface models.
A. V. Ksendzuk
V.Sh. Berikashvili, V.S. Chizhov, M.Ya. Yakovlev.
Fiber sensors on the the base of YIG with BI films for measurements of magnetic field and current.
A.A. Strotsev.
Optimization of the search of conventionally determinate dynamic target by large search system.
A.B. Petrov.
Design of systems with predictable behavior under conditions of system elements failure.
A.Ya. Oleinikov, A.B. Petrov. B.A. Kiselman, V.V. Krylov.
Open system technology application for creation of systems with predictable behavior.
A.N. Glushkov, A.L. Mitrofanov, T.Yu.Smagina.
Macroprojecting of Laser Energy Transport Systems.
D. Yu. Buryak, Yu.V. Vizil'ter.
Computer-aided Engineering Method of Detection Technique of Objects by their Structural Description.
A Noise Reductuion Algorithm Suitable for Hardware Implementation.
Vladimir Radenkovic, Miodrag Temerinac, Nikola Teslic, Miroslav Popovic
Digital Attestation Systems of Apparatus for Expanded Objects Location (Surveillance Radar Stations).
N.S. Sologub, A.V. Ksendzuk.
Influence of Relaxation Properties of Materials for Initial Covers on the Optical Fibers Durability.
A.A. Dyachenko, O.E. Shushpanov, L.P. Prokofyeva, V.V. Scherbakov.
Digital Simulation of the Short-haul Communication Systems Input Signals from Complex Radar Systems.
A.B. Borzov, A.V. Sokolov, V.B. Suchkov.
Integrated-optical low-loss PbO2 diffusion waveguide sensitive chemical sensor.
A. A. Egorov, M.A. Egorov, R.B. Smoliakov, T.K. Chekhlova, A.G. Timakin
Super Resolution in the Waveguide Inverse Light Scattering Problem.
A. A. Egorov
Thermal loads of X-rays tubes with rotating anode at pulse exposure.
E.L. Pankratov
Electric power from space - space solar power.
V.A. Vanke
Detection Probability of Terrestrial Radio Signals by a Hostile Super-civilization.
A. L. Zaitsev
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (424 kB)
Fixed Pattern Noise correction by least-squares approximation of image sensor’s transfer characteristics with Tth degree polynomial.
D.S. Brondz, E. N. Kharitonova
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (174 kB)300 kB)
Planetary radar activity analysis with application to SETI and METI.
D. A. Churakov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (
Systematization, principles of work and area of application of sensors.
A. A. Egorov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (1768 kB)
Spectroscopic study of bismuth centers in aluminosilicate optical fibers.
L. I. Bulatov, V. M. Mashinsky, V. V. Dvoyrin, A. P. Sukhorukov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (5092 kB)
About need for a new logical elements.
V.S. Podlazov, G.G. Stetsyura19 kB)470 kB)
Usage of radio images for analysis of results of narrow-band radiolocation of asteroids.
A. L. Zaitsev
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (
Ionospheric support module on the base of satellite systems GPS/GLONASS.
V. M. Smirnov, E. V. Smirnova
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 019 kB)
. Egorov
Waveguide light scattering method as a best way for research of the statistic irregularities of integrated-optical waveguides.
A. A
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (371 kB)
Analysis of sensitivity of an integrated-optical sensor of gaseous substances in the presence of an additive statistic noise.
A. A. Egorov, T. K. Chekhlova, V. I .Grygoruk, A. V. Kovalenko
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (315 kB)
Distributed microcontroller system of acoustic location.
A.V. L'vov, M. N. Agapov, A. I. Tischenko
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (298 kB)
Распределенная микроконтроллерная система акустической локации.
А. В. Львов, М. Н. Агапов, А. И. Тищенко
Аннотация. Текст: html, pdf (298 kB)Integrated-optical chemical sensor with analog-digital transformation of a signal.
A. A. Egorov, M. A. Egorov, T. K. Chekhlova, A. G. Timakin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (929 kB)Working out of first national standard for providing of interoperablity in Grid – environment.
E. E. Zhuravlev, V. N. Kornienko, A. Ya. Oleinikov, T. D. Shiribokova
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (209 kB), pdf (230 kB)
The method of constricting hulls for reconstruction of character images.
D. A. Pimankin, B. A. Kiselman
Abstract. Full text: html
Research of efficiency of remote technological effect of a laser radiation of powerful fiber lasers on objects.
Yu. V. Sorokin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (772 kB)1 029 kB)
The architecture of mobile robot, a part of software and hardware system for group control algorithms development.
V. A. Aleksandrov, A. I. Kobrin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (
A method of linearization of rank identification performance scales.
A. A. Gorshenkov, Yu. N. Klikushin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (340 kB)
Sparse representations for text-independent speaker identification and verification.
Nikolay A. Lubimov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (243 kB)
Classification of Interstellar Radio Messages.
A. L. Zaitsev
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (132 kB)
Method of recovery of parameters of radio pulse laser Doppler anemometer.
A. M. Shayduk, S. A. Ostanin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (251 kB)
Increase of the signal/noise ratio by the method of sequential calculation of autocorrelation function.
S. A. Ostanin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (175 kB)
635 kB)
Brightness contrast control: from TV to computer graphics.
Alisa O. Borovkova, Oksana V. Rvacheva, Aleksey M. Chmutin
Semantic compression of videos in CCTV.
Sergey A. KuzminAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (310 kB)
81 kB)
Elimination of the influence of shadows on the accuracy of object detection in videos.
S. A. Kuzmin
Terahertz radiation emission mechanism from ferromagnetic metal films exited by femtosecond laser pulses.
Anatoly D. Gladun, Vladimir G. Leiman, Aleksey V. ArseninAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (159 kB)
163 kB)
Spectral correlation analysis of ionospheric radio signal sources.
S. A. Ostanin, Yu. A. Zemsky
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (
WLSF-method for build-up of feature description for image feature points neighborhoods.
D. A. PimankinAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 039 kB)
Trajectory control of observation in mobile passive aircraft system.
V. I. Merkulov, D. A. Milyakov, V. S. ChernovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (328 kB)
Onboard inpulse Doppler radar: area of surveillance or area of detection?
A. Kirsanov, D. SuzanskyAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (559 kB)
The Mach–Zehnder interferometer as means of performance of the fast distributed calculations.
Gennady G. Stetsjura
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (158 kB)
Study of behaviour of the ocean and atmosphere in areas of activity of cyclones with satellite microwave radiometric and ground-based means.
A. G. Grankov, S. V. Marechek, A. A. Milshin, E. A. Novichikhin, N. K. Shelobanova
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 472 kB)
Effect of a static magnetic field on the ultrasonic propagation in magnetic fluids.
I. E. OvchinnikovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (261 kB)
Features of the interaction of high-power laser radiation with solid shells of explosive objects.
V. V. Valuev, Yu. V. Gulyaev, I. P. Zhigan, V. A. Cherepenin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (2 771 kB)
Quantitative evaluation of the contour of medical image.
S. A. Ostanin, A. M. Shayduk
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (227 kB)
350 kB)
Geometric model of the transmissions of Hermite-Gaussian beam modes through the optical system.
Roman E. Ilinsky
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (
173 kB)
Effect of a magnetic field relaxation on the sound velocity in magnetic fluid.
I. E. Ovchinnikov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (
The Influence of the External Magnetic Field on Acoustic Properties of Magnetic Elastomers.
I. E. Kuznetsova, B. D. Zaitsev, A. M. Shikhabudinov, I. A. Borodina, E.Yu.Kramarenko, V. V.Kolesov, G. V. Stepanov
182 kB)
288 kB)
Precision thermostatting of high-overtone bulk-acoustic resonator. Simulation and synthesis of control system.
A. P. Zagorodnov, A. N. Yakunin
Continuous spectrum of glow discharge at low pressure.
V. A. Pinaev, I. M. UlanovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (278 kB)
Superlattices and figurate numbers in the model of signal processing system and colour perception.
S. L. Chernyshev, L. S. Chernyshev
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (358 kB)
Digital model of flow visualization.
A. A. Savin, D. S. Kharin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (302 kB)
Influence of aperiodicity and inversion of phases on electro-magnetic coherence of piezocomposite with quasiperiodic structure.
A. A. Pan’kov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (192 kB)
Effect of a magnetic field relaxation on the splash of ultrasonic absorption coefficient in magnetic nanofluid EMG – 605.
I. E. Ovchinnikov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (173 kB)
Dielectric relaxation in the fibrous composite polyethylene/ferrite.
A. A. Pan’kov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (325 kB)
Synthesis of interleaved ternary sequences with low autocorrelation and high linear complexity.
V. A. Edemskiy
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (136 kB)
Synthesis of interleaved ternary sequences with low autocorrelation and high linear complexity.
V. A. Edemskiy
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (136 kB)
Bragg sensory microwave structure on coaxial cable.
A. R. Nasybullin, O. G. Morozov, A. A. Sevastyanov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (398 kB)
Effective properties of the magnetized structures with polydisperse spherical inclusions.
A. A. Pan’kov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (218 kB)
The use of microwave technology of ultralow intensity in agriculture.
Anna Gavrilova, Valery Egorashin, Alexander Churmasov, Michael KrevskyAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 167 kB)
6 311 kB)
Resonance, non–isothermal, microwave plasmochemical systems for the special silica optical fibers synthesis technology.
L. M. Blinov, Yu. V. Gulyaev, V .A. Cherepenin, A. P. Gerasimenko
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (
7 112 kB)
Dynamic range conversion for different types of SAR images.
M. A. Guryanov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (
1 738 kB)
Method of electromagnetic and magnetic field influences on electronic media and implementation.
Yu. S. Bondarev, M. V. Fesenko, B. V. Hlopov, A. V. Shpak
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (
Integrated multi-sensor systems for monitoring of surrounding area.
V. S. Verba, V. I. Merkulov, D. A. Milyakov, V. S. ChernovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (408 kB)
High energy protons influence on interline CCD performance in frame and TDI modes.
G. A. ScherbinaAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (663 kB)
Method of optical-geometrical modeling in the problem of definition of the dimensional and reflective characteristics of spacecraft.
V. R. Akhmetianov, I. O. Lutov, M. I. OleinikovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (311 kB)
Trajectory control supervision algorithm for airbone two-position passive guidance system based on the method of gradient projection.
V. I. Merkulov, D. A. Milyakov, V. S. ChernovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (255 kB)
The method of objects distinctiveness improvement on images recorded in poor visibility conditions.
Y. P. Mickhayluck, D. V. NacharovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (2 984 kB)
The method of predicting possible improvements in the quality of distorted images.
A. V. Kokoshkin, V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E .P. NovichihinAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 526 kB)
Comparison of objective methods of assessing quality of digital images.
A. V. Kokoshkin, V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E .P. NovichihinAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (467 kB)
Using the method of renormalization limited to restore the distorted image in the presence of interference and noise with unknown parameters.
A. V. Kokoshkin, V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E .P. Novichihin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (602 kB)
Comparison of quality of digital image recovery by different methods with variation of sidelobe instrumental function.
A. V. Kokoshkin, V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E .P. Novichihin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 120 kB)
Universal reference spectrum use for noise-to-signal ratio estimation in the Wiener filter.
A. V. Kokoshkin, V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E .P. Novichihin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (888 kB)
Data integrity in the USB flash drive under the influence of pulse magnetic field.
Z. M. Gizatullin, F. M. Fazoulianov, L. N. Shuvalov, R. M. GizatullinAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 732 kB)
206 kB)
Nonlinear distortion arising from the restoration of high-frequency optical excitation.
E. V. Nikishin, E. E. Peskova
Shipboard antenna device for satellite communication systems: a mathematical model, control algorithms, the option of constructing
N. Yu. Vorob`ev, D. D. Gabrielyan, V. I. Demchenko, A. A. Kosogor,O. Z. SultanovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (496 kB)
Restoration of the images consisting of fragments with various degrees of defocusing.
A. V. Kokoshkin, V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E .P. Novichihin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (986 kB)
Methods of improving of objects distinguishability in the presence of hydrometeors.
A. V. Kokoshkin, V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E .P. Novichihin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (604 kB)
Simulation of imaging formation with sub diffraction resolution on one-dimensional experimental model of scanning one–aperture terahertz telescope.
A. N. Vystavkin, S. E. Bankov, M. E. Zhukovskiy, S. V. Podolyako, O. V. Korukin, Yu. N. Kazantsev, A. G. Kovalenko, E. A. Vystavkin, A. S. Ilyin, A. V. UvarovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (537 kB)
A routing method providing throughput increase in IP networks with intrasystem interference.
E. A. Spirina, S.V. Kozlov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (200 kB)
The simulating of image formation with subdiffraction resolution using one-dimensional experimental structure of scanning single aperture terahertz telescope.
A. N. Vystavkin, S. E. Bankov, M. E. Zhukovskij, S. V. Podoljako, O. V. Korjukin, Yu. N. Kazantsev, A. G. Kovalenko, E. A. Vystavkin, A. S. IliinAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (261 kB)
On the model of stochastic dynamic systems with a square deviation no more than 9% and its application in investment projects.
A. A. KorshunovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (315 kB)
The collective dynamic routing method efficiency analysis in wideband radio access networks with TCP, HTTP, FTP traffic.
Y. S. Vintenkova, S. V. Kozlov, E. A. Spirina
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 090 kB)
High-aperture optical waveguide structures, based on silica glass, doped by fluorine, prepared in non-isothermal plasma of a resonance local microwave low-pressure
L. M. Blinov, A. P. Gerasimenko, Yu. V. Gulyaev, A. P. Dolgov, L. Yu. Kochmarev, I. P. Shilov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 441 kB)
Reprogrammable homogeneous computing structure based on the PDEM.
B. A. Panfilov, Yu. B. Panfilov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (306 kB)
Influence of the fractal dimension of the signal on the energy distribution of its spectrum.
A. M. Shayduk, S. A. Ostanin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (207 kB)
Application of a plane metal wire grid to the measurement of dielectric parameters of materials.
I. P. Nikitin and E. E. ChigryaiAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (182 kB)
Trajectory control of observation methods for airborn integrated multisensor biposition radio-monitoring systems.
V. I. Merkulov, D. A. Milyakov, O. E. Radominov, V. S. ChernovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (950 kB)
Quasi planar method of securing the object for EMC omnidirectional azimuth antenna.
A. А. Mozol`, V. А. GolovskoyAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (456 kB)
283 kB)
Mathematical modelling of the electro magneto elastic properties of piezoactive composites.
A. A. Pan’kov
A method for determining the concentration of oil products in water by means of millimeter waves.
E. E. Chigryai, I. P. Nikitin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (150 kB)
The influence of overgrowth of doped by diffusion and ion implantation areas of heterostructures on distributions of dopants concentration.
E. L. Pankratov, E. A. Bulaeva
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (310 kB)
Quasioptical beam splitters on thin dielectric films in the millimeter and submillimeter wave ranges.
E. E. Chigryai, G.I . Khokhlov, I. P. NikitinAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (282 kB)
The use of the Fourier spectrum of the image for retouching and restoration of the missing parts of the image distorted instrumental function.
A.V. Kokoshkin, V.A. Korotkov, K.V. Korotkov, E.P. Novichihin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 395 kB)
Using Fourier spectrum for retouching and restoration missing parts of the image which were deformed by instrumental function.
A.V. Kokoshkin, V.A. Korotkov, K.V. Korotkov, E.P. Novichihin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 395 kB)
Restoration of the radio images, distorted by spectral-local interference and instrumental function with unknown side lobes.
A. V. Kokoshkin, V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E. P. NovichihinAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (924 kB)
Usage of optical-geometrical modeling for supervising space objects.
V. R. Akhmetianov, I. O. Lutov, M.I . OleinikovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (470 kB)
221 kB)
A simple method of estimation of the experimental data interpolation error.
A. V. Kokoshkin, V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E. P. Novichihin
278 kB)
A method of increasing the density of field-effect transistors in a power amplifier.
E. L. Pankratov, A. S. Bulaeva
Studies on superresolution image sensor.
A. Y. Grishentcev, A. G. Korobeinikov, I. B. BondarenkoAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (3 022 kB)
An approach to increase the density of elements of single-phase multi-level inverter.
E. L. Pankratov, E. A. Bulaeva
Abstract. Full text: pdf (890
P. Novichihin.
A method of measuring radioholograms.
A.V. Kokoshkin, V.A. Korotkov, K.V. Korotkov, E.
Holographic mask with a layered structure. Mathematical synthesis methods and advantages in production and operation.
V. V. Chernik.
Investigation of resonance features of microwave TE11 (H11) plasmatron for plasmachemical deposition in low-pressure non-isothermal plasma, formed by local resonance UHF discharge, of silica-based optical structures,
doped by F and N, onto silica rods (tubes, preforms), used for special optical fibers fabrication.
L. M. Blinov, A. P .Gerasimenko, A. P .Dolgov, L. Yu. Kochmarev, V. A. Cherepenin, I. P. Shilov
Some questions about applications of bottom relief construction in interferometric side scan sonar «NEMAN ISSS-500.
R. O. Boldinov, A. V. Sknarya, S .A. Toshov
Optimization of manufacturing of field-effect transistors constituent DRAM elements in order to increase their density.
E. L. Pankratov, E. A. Bulaeva
Thermoelectric processes in heterojunction LED under the influence of powerful microwave electromagnetic radiation
A. M. Hodakov, V. A. Sergeev, A. A. Gavrikov
ethod of inspection point capacity on high-speed transport.
Optimization m
V. M. Antonova, D. O. Volkov, N. A. Grechishkina, N. A. Kuznetsov
P. Krivtsov, I. V. Smolyaninov, A. V. Elbakidze, A. V. Stepanov.
Estimation of depth fitting, obtained at the area survey of sea-bottom relief by multibeam echosounder and interferometric side-scan sonar.
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Peculiar properties of interpolation band-limited signals.
A. V. Kokoshkin, V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E. P. Novichikhin
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Managing the processes of creating an early-warning radar stations functional block structure.
S. F. Boev, A. S. Logovsky
Abstract. Full text: pdf
The analysis of distribution density of radars types over the radio spectrum.
A. S. Podstrigaev, A. V. Smolyakov, M. G. Slobodyan
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Development of technique for optical daytime visibility range estimation using digital television images.
D. V. Nacharov
Abstract. Full text: pdf
V. Nikishin, V. Y. Grishaev
Recovery of time dependence of the intensity of rapidly changing arbitrary shape light pulses.
Abstract. Full text: pdf
M. S. Kostin, D. S. Vorunichev
Thermovision electrothermy of topology of printed boards in magnetic field of plane HF inductor.
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Compensation for image distortions caused by hydrometeors, based on statistical properties of image brightness.
V. A. Korotkov, E. P. Novichikhin
Abstract. Full text: pdf
About the possibility to reduce the time and cost of creating a radar station with the use of the stand of the chief designer.
S. F. Boev, A. P. Linkevichius, A. S. Logovsky, S. V. Yakubovsky
Abstract. Full text: pdf
The technique of restricting the accumulation of static electricity charges on the operator when servicing automated process control systems.
P. S. Glazunov, S. S. Zhulikov, Isam M. A. Abdelshafi
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Optical Inter-Satellite Link in Comparison with RF case in CubeSat system.
Zlata Gibalina, Vladimir Fadeev
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Evaluation of LED durability to the effect of a periodic sequence of microwave pulses in the framework of the thermoelectric model.
A. M. Hodakov, V. A. Sergeev
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Modification of the CLAHE method to compensate the influence of hydrometeors.
V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E. P. Novichihin
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Using the renormalization of the spectrum for reconstructing images distorted by hydrometeors.
A. V. Kokoshkin, V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E. P. Novichihin
Abstract. Full text: pdf
The Maxwell‑Wagner relaxation of electric fields in the piezo-electro-luminescent fiber-optical sensor of vibration pressure.
A. A. Pan'kov
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Methods and devices of high resolution terahertz spectroscopy for analytical applications.
V. L. Vaks, E. G. Domracheva, M. B. Chernyaeva
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Metal porous cathode modified by nanocarbon.
T. M. Krachkovskaya, L .A. Melnikov, G. V. Sahadji, A. N. Ponomarev, A. S. Emelyanov
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Concept of antenna arrays beamforming based on hologram diffraction gratings.
Z. S. Gibalina, V. A. Fadeev
Algorithm of finding aberration coefficients for space opto-electronic devices.
E. V. Seliverstova, G. A. Shcherbina, B.M. Shurygin
Recovering the time dependence of the light intensity, the modulation frequency of which is greater than the cut-off frequency of a photodetector based on silicon with deep recombination centers.
E. V. Nikishin, S. V. Baseyev, V. O. Piksaikina
Dielectric parameters of the modern low-loss ceramics in the microwave, millimeter, and submillimeter ranges.
Vladimir V. Parshin, Evgeny A. Serov, Evgeny E. Chigryai, Boris M. Garin, Roman N. Denisiuk, Dmitry S. Kalyonov, Mingqing Ding, Lili Li, Yanping Lu, Yanling Yang, Youhuan Liang, Jinjun Feng, and Polina V. Ershova.
The interaction of electromagnetic waves with VO2 nanosized spheres and films in optical and extremely high frequency range.
V.V.Koledov, V.G.Shavrov, N.V.Shahmirzadi, T.Pakizeh, A.P.Kamantsev, D.S.Kalenov, M.P.Parkhomenko, S.V. von Gratowski, A.V.Irzhak, V.M.Serdyuk, J.A Titovitsky, A.A.Komlev, A.E Komlev, D.A.Kuzmin, I.V.Bychkov.
Traffic simulation of queueing systems in the ANYLOGIC application with an example of passenger flow of the subway station.
V. M. Antonova, N. A. Grechishkina, N. A. Kuznetsov, N. A. Sukhorukova.
Analysis of the impact of microsecond electromagnetic interference on computer equipment through the power supply network.
R. M. Gizatullin, E. A. Huziyahmetova, M. S. Shkinderov, O. V. Chernov
Automatic restoration of defocused images without defining the type and parameters of the point spread function.
A. V. Kokoshkin, V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E. P. Novichihin
Reducing the development time of transmitting complexes of Radars on the basis of statistical analysis of measurement results.
S. F. Boev, A. A. Murashov, A. J. Perlov
The task of developing a model of a digital platform for the collection, processing and dissemination of spatial data, built using a network-centric aviation monitoring system.
I. B. Arhimandritov, S. G. Belov, V. S. Verba, A. A. Lipatov, D. A. Milyakov, I. A. Sidorov, D. Yu. Chetirkin
Correction algorithms of bathymetry data at the formation of a digital elevation map of the bottom surface on a regular grid.
V. I. Kaevitser, A. P. Krivtsov, I. V. Smolyaninov, A. V. Elbakidze
Multilayer deposition of pure and fluorine-doped silica glass on silicon wafers in a plasma of resonance local microwave loss-pressure discharge.
L. M. Blinov, A. P. Gerasimenko, Yu. V. Gulyaev, A. P. Dolgov, L. Yu. Kochmarev, I. P. Shilov
Marking parts of a spectrally distorted image with a forecast of reconstruction possibilities.
A. V. Kokoshkin, V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E. P. Novichihin.
Pyroelectric effect of the porous piezoelectric materials with correlative mono - and polydisperse random structures.
A. A. Pan’kov
Mathematical simulation and experimental comparison of direct and reverse pumping in a Raman amplifier for lidar applications.
V. I. Grigorievsky
Application of digital image processing methods for the goal of restoration of fine art objects.
A. V. Kokoshkin, V. A. Korotkov, K. V. Korotkov, E. P. Novichihin
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Spatial frequencies spectra multiplication for the black and white images of flat fractal objects.
G. V. Arzamastseva, M. G. Evtikhov, F. V. Lisovsky, E. G. Mansvetova
Millimeter-wave properties of rutile-polystyrene composite.
E. E. Chigryai, I. P. Nikitin
Digital imaging system with hardware implementation on Xilinx PLD.
D. A. Gavrilov, A. V. Pavlov, D. N. Shchelkunov
Measurement of dielectric loss at millimeter range in the low loss materials with arbitrary ratio of wavelength and sample thickness.
E. E. Chigryai, B. M. Garin, R. N. Denisyuk
Calibration of a broadband test bench for measuring the scattering characteristics of objects.
E. O. Mojarov, N. K. Galkin
Forecasting of interference immunity of computers under electromagnetic effects through the metal structures of the building.
R. M. Gizatullin, A. A. Muhammadiev, E. S. Konstantinov, E. A. Khuziyakhmetova
Matched loads for devices for determining material composition and for introscopes.
E. E. Chigryai, I. P. Nikitin
Accounting maneuver in autotrack algorithms.
V. I. Merkulov, S. B. Gusarov
Study of a computer operation in the presence of electrostatic discharges.
R. M. Gizatullin, E. A. Khuziyakhmetova, E. I. Pavlova, O. V. Chernov
Detection of infrared laser radiation by its Rayleigh scattering in the Earth’s atmosphere.
V. I.
Local positioning an underwater vehicle sonar system with a chirp sounding signals.
V. I. Kaevitser, A. P. Krivtsov, I. V. Smolyaninov, A. V. Elbakidze
Application of high resolution THz gas spectroscopy for analyzing the composition of grain "odors".
V. L. Vaks, E. G. Domracheva, S. I. Pripolzin, M. B. Chernyaeva, V. A. Anfertev, A. A. Gavrilova, E. V. Dabakhova
On approach to optimize manufacturing of field-effect heterotransistors framework circuit of a sixth-order Chebyshev low-pass filter to increase their integration rate. The influence of mismatch-induced stress.
E. L Pankratov
I. V. Perinskaya, V. V. Perinsky
Study of electrochemical characteristics of ion-modified copper for elements of microwave integrated circuits.
An approach for analysis of redistribution of dopant in a multilayer structure during manufacturing a detection comparator. Accounting of nonlinearity of the redistribution, time dependence of parameters and radiation defects.
E. L. Pankratov
- article in Russian,
- article in English.